Alien like pods - Autumn foliage

I guess this might be considered 'fall foliage'. I have no idea what it is; just always seen them in the woods. The white hair is wondrous but the ponds that they are coming out of is weird!

~AnnaMaria~ My little life in God's big universe
I like how you have isolated the subjects in these shots. I don't know what these plants are either, but you're right.....they are all over in the woods.
Lauren Blackwell
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Those are strange. I like the last one you posted the best. I can get a better look at all that fine detail.
Ah yes, maybe that is what they are! They fascinate me. Thank you for your kind words!
You got a really good photo of one and a bug to boot
Thanks much for the comment; hmmm...Dali huh?
Really great shots, Eia. Nice comps, great bokehs, and excellent sharpness on the subjects. Great job!
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Gee - thanks for your kind words but thanks for the affirmation re milkweed! I think I could have stayed there for the afternoon shooting them. The silly bug would not cooperate though; he needed to sit still or go away but when I tried to shoo him he didn't like it much.
I wonder how far west they go? Yes, they absolutely fascinate me! One could do alot with these photographically speaking!
I've shot them in Northern California and we saw several varieties in Africa so the answer for how far west they go is all the way?
They have a milky white sap similar to euphorbias.
The little bug looks to be one commonly found on milkweeds, I found a page about them here
Hey - I really appreciate the info!!! Interesting; I'm glad the bugs control the population of the milkweed; as is they are everywhere. My husband suggested that it was probably a bug just for this plant! And - thanks for teh comment- truly appreciate it!
I shot some a couple weeks ago along the valley floor in Yosemite National Park. If they went much further west, they'd be swimming in the ocean.
Nice captures.
Interesting link on the milkweed bug. We have a lot of those plants around here, but I've never seen a bug on them. Now I'll be looking for them
I have to admit that I wanted him out of the picture if he would not sit still so I tried to pick him up - but - he sort of stuck to the plant so I gave up. I put my hand up to the camera and it was then I smelled something. It was on my fingers. I tried to pick him up again and then smelled that odor stronger on my fingers; he left a pungent smell.
Glad you told me they stink -- I won't touch one now. I'll pass that job off to the hubby