Domain name isnt working
I just tried to go to
and it can find the server.
Is there a problem Im not aware of at this time?
Thank you
and it can find the server.
Is there a problem Im not aware of at this time?
Thank you
And so is
Can you try again?
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is not working on my end. WHat could it be?
My friend tried and it says the link at broken
Omg, a little while ago. I went to google and business center and filled out a free listing for my business.
For people to find me when they search. and that was all. no charge for this.
I have had the worst week and Im crying thinking I messed something up.
I did find something in my spam box from Yahoo- this is what is says:
Dear Member,
Your Yahoo Marketing account has expired. You must renew it immediately or your account will be closed. If you intend to use this service in the future, you must take action at once!
To continue click here, login to your Yahoo Marketing account and follow the steps.
Thank you for using Yahoo Marketing!
Yahoo Marketing Services DEP.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a respons.
But this doesnt even have their logo on it. and i have a different email for issues. They didnt even contact me there.
Im shaking and need to walk away and take a breath for a minute.
Please, go to your domain registrar and check your A-record - did you change this? If you need us to check it for you, send all details, write our Support Heroes ATTN: Doc/Nick and we'll sort you out
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please , what do i exactly need to send
f you are stuck, write our Support Heroes ATTN: Doc/Nick in the subject line and send us your domain host UserID and set the password
to something temporary like SmugTemp123. We will log in and make the
changes or check the settings for you. When we are done you can reset the
1. the name of your domain registrar
2. login name to your domain
3. change the password for your domain to smugtemp{insert_4_random_digits}
Once we have made the changes, we will let you know so that you could
change your password back.
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Changes have been made to the passwords and sent to the help desk at smugmug
Im calmer now heres what my week has brought me (like you want to know)
My Dad had hip replacement, my Mother has Pnemonia, and yesterday our daughter lost her wallet on the bus going to college.
Of course everything was in her wallet and she over 3 hrs away.
I hope you understand why my patience are at the end.
I hope you can get this fixed for me
Thank you
Please rest easy, your domain is configured PERFECTLY and no changes are needed.
Have you installed new software? Try another pc, or another browser please. Your custom domain is working for all of us and I checked on Yahoo (you can chg the password back!).....
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Im so sorry I had to run earlier. In the meantime, I had a few friends try the,
they all get a message saying ,that the server cannot be found. One was using EI, the other Firefox.
I have tried on all three computers here with no luck.
I have not done any updates or downloaded anything here.
Where the link is broke I have no clue. I will send a email to yahoo and on Tuesday try to contact someone on the phone.
The DNS and Utilities you emailed me about, is that something on my computer or is this something in my Yahoo domain account?
I just need to rest for now, there is just too much to deal with at this time.
Im sure the kids hugs and snuggles will help. A nice glass of something is not a bad idea either.:D
Thank you
Everything is working now. I dont know what the problem was.
But, Thank you to whomever for fixed it. Today was the start of a much better week. ( fingers are crossed):D
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