In IE , can't see homepage settings buttons when logged in

I normally use FF. But when I view my site on IE 8 recently, none of my usual settings buttons that should be available on my homepage or galleries (Style, Themes, Homepage Layout, etc.) are showing when I'm logged in. In FF, these buttons are showing correctly on my homepage, galleries page, keywords page, & map / recent photos page. But not in IE- they're simply missing. Oddly, when I'm in a gallery, the tool buttons that should be there are there. (I realize the gallery buttons are vary somewhat from the homepage ones).
The other problem I've had for the past couple weeks in IE is that the display in my galleries is off. Zoom is set to 100%. In SmugMug style, the main photo is displaying underneath the thumbs instead of to the right where it should be. 125% fixes this, but then everything is blurry. In FF, I have none of these issues. [NOTE: I also tried looking at Julia Megnia's site, another person recently saying she had the 2nd problem I mentioned with IE. Here's one of her galleries. Her message was further down on this thread. [url][/url] I couldn't even view her site with IE -- I got an error message saying script errors were preventing it] I've made some recent changes, but IE 8 is new too, and Smug made changes at the same time, so I don't know where the problem lies.
The other problem I've had for the past couple weeks in IE is that the display in my galleries is off. Zoom is set to 100%. In SmugMug style, the main photo is displaying underneath the thumbs instead of to the right where it should be. 125% fixes this, but then everything is blurry. In FF, I have none of these issues. [NOTE: I also tried looking at Julia Megnia's site, another person recently saying she had the 2nd problem I mentioned with IE. Here's one of her galleries. Her message was further down on this thread. [url][/url] I couldn't even view her site with IE -- I got an error message saying script errors were preventing it] I've made some recent changes, but IE 8 is new too, and Smug made changes at the same time, so I don't know where the problem lies.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
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Hmm. Multiple things going on here, Andy. First off, sorry-- that person I referred to was in the Customization forum. Here's the link: Otherwise:
1. I followed your instructions above. When I logged in, I at first saw the tools as you said I would. However, there are lots of weird things going on with login/logout. When I visited some galleries, I was still logged in. But when I went back to my homepage again, I wasn't.... the tools no longer displayed. I also noticed that on the address bar, it kept switching from to ... back & forth. Just now, I checked again. Now it switches to the address as soon as I leave my homepage, and then I'm no longer logged in. What's more, I can't even login with When I click "login", it flashes & acts weird but won't give me a way to login. I can only login if I put in the winsomeworks address-- actually, on there I'm usually still logged in & don't need to do it again. All this is very familiar-- it happened some months back, & I don't remember how we fixed it.
2. I would never have known what you meant about the Win control panel, display. But fortunately I have someone here who figured it out. You're right-- it was not on the default. But we remembered that hasn't been on the default for a long time & didn't have this problem (odd display of main photo in SmugMug style) since a very long time ago. We did try switching it back to the default. But all the galleries we went to (after restarting the computer & all) still had the display problem. The default makes everything on the screen so tiny anyway-- very unpleasant. Eventually, we set it back to the larger display view since it didn't solve the display problem. I tried clicking on the new "compatibility" option in IE 8. That helped the view in some galleries but not all. It also seems excruciatingly slow when it's set on "compatibility".... galleries look empty for a long time. I have not tried using "compatibility" WITH the DPI set at the default.
I would just love to not even worry about IE because I hate it anyway, but since lots of the rest of the world is on it.... aaargh! Thanks for your help, btw. Hope we can figure it out! I sure wish I could remember how we fixed this before. I'll try checking my old threads.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
as the urls... I made them relative urls for you and all will be well now with that.
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I thought there were some reasons it was better to have the full URL, Andy. (don't remember what they were, though) But thank you for changing them if it's better this way! I'm still having the same login/logout problem though. When I go off my homepage & then go to other pages & go back to homepage I'm no longer logged in. In fact, by the time I got to my "Info" page I was already logged out. Also, the display issues are still a problem.
I noticed this near the top of my Custom Header box:
<div id="my_banner"></div>
<div id="navcontainer">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/galleries">All Galleries</a></li>
<li><a href="/Portfolio">Portfolio</a></li> [etc....]
Look at the line I've made bold. (the "home" line) Are those quotation marks both where they're supposed to be? Just wondering because all the other lines have the second quotation mark after the word. If that's correct, I wish I knew what it is that's INcorrect! Thanks for any more light you can shed on this.
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It sounds like your browser may be having issues keeping you logged in. We have found that sometimes IE works better if you use the mouse to click the Log In button. Versus using the keyboard Enter key. So clear your browser's cookies. Then try logging in using either of the links (top or bottom of the page). If you are unable to log in or to stay logged in, please contact us at the Help Desk We may need to reset your password. Once we are sure you are logged in and can stay logged in, we can address the missing button issue (if it is still an issue).
Steve, I never even knew you could use the enter key for login-- I always use the mouse on the bottom link. I'll try clearing cookies, although I think it's already set to clear them regularly. I would really prefer to have my page saying "" since that's why I got a domain in the first place-- it's the address I always give people. Now it's always saying which I think could get confusing if they see something up there on the address bar that's so different from what I provided them. Also, my blog is at, etc... it just makes more sense.... all my websites are WinsomeWorks. something! Can we set it back so that it's that way? I'd also really like to know the advantages/disadvantages to using relative links vs. complete links.
As far as the display issues, I'm referring to the main photo in SmugMug style showing up underneath the thumbs (see my previous posts), not the buttons. I'm sure the buttons will show up as long as I can remain logged in+.. they just weren't showing because I couldn't stay logged in. But the display issues I described are there whether logged in or not.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
This is a long-known-about problem that seems to be hitting more and more people. I sure wish Smugmug would fix it. I'm afraid that it hits some of my viewers and they just think the galleries are brain-dead.
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I know that my homepage for sure always said "" and am pretty sure the others did too. I don't mean you can't go to the site using WinsomeWorks. But then it switches. Ummmm... ok, I just logged out & then put WinsomeWorks in the address bar. Then it remained that way. I logged in, & still it stayed. I don't know. Did someone just change something? I'm confused... I swear an hour ago it was not like this. Ok. We'll hope it stays this way now.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Yeah, I know about the zoom & the percentage. But neither solution worked for me anyway. (All those discussions are in the posts below). So I still have the issue. At 72 dpi, the main image still fell below thumbs anyway, so there was no point to keeping it that way. Our screen is large-- 21", and is an excellent screen for photography. But everything is so tiny at 72 dpi. I really would not want to keep it that way just because of stupid IE which I don't use anyway, so in some ways I'm relieved that it didn't help. And it honestly didn't. The only thing that works on SOME galleries is to set IE 8 on the new "compatibility" setting, something I found myself. But as I said, it seems terribly slow on that setting. No issues like this in FF, of course. But I hate it that this is how most of the world is going to see my site-- YUCKKK!!! "Compatibility" doesn't even work on many galleries anyway. I have almost all set to SmugMug style-- all but 2, I think. So most people are seeing this frustrating display & probably not even realizing there's a large image down below the thumbs!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I, personally, think it's the family jewels when galleries don't display right and it ought to be in the category of a very high priority bug. It's what the site is about and it's regularly busted. People post here about it on dgrin almost every day. And, we know that if it's happening to us, it's sure as hell happening to our viewers.
If they would just stop using float in the CSS which gives the browser permission to wrap it below if it doesn't fit and use some other method of positioning they could stop it completely. Either use a table or manual positioning or make the JS even smarter. There are lots of different ways to stop the browser from wrapping the main image to below the thumbs.
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It's very important to us. But so is EVERYTHING else on the short list.
I would appreciate it if you would please not say things like 'it's not important to SmugMug' when you don't know that to be true, or the case. This is really important to us, but so is a ton of stuff.
Half of our short list comes from you
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Still, we hope to eliminate this possibility from happening.
Stay tuned.
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make the link on your blog go back to
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{JT} is working on it. Along with other things. I'm sorry you don't feel we're doing enough to try and address this, I really am. You've said this multiple times, time to move on, and let us deal with it, no?
It's not as simple as you are stating, but thanks for the encouragement.
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I only post again about the topic when I get tired of seeing people running into the issue over and over and over again because the more I see people here on dgrin running into it, the more it probably means my viewers are running into it. I was further dismayed to find out recently that a system configuration issue related to your screen dpi configuration could mean that it happens all the time for some users who just wanted to change their system font size. That means my whole site is just completely busted for those users. I do know it's happening to some of my viewers and I don't like that. It's the worst possible photo viewing UI when that happens and reflects very poorly on me and my photos. I consider bugs or design flaws that ruin the entire photo viewing experience (even if only for some users) to be a serious issue that should be dealt with in a timely fashion. You guys have not dealt with this issue in a timely fashion at all or communicated any status on the issue.
If you want to tell me approximately when this will be fixed, I will likely not have much else to say (unless it's a long time from now). If you're going to continue to keep us all in the dark about it and then go another long time without fixing it, I likely won't let it drop. After a lot more viewers run into the problem, I'll probably say something again. What else can we do to remind you that we disagree with how long you're taking to address it?
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Hi John, I have communicated to you on this every time you bring it up. For the record, the status of the issue is that {JT} is looking into it and it's not as easy as you posted a few posts ago. We are taking it very seriously and I hope we can come up with something so that folks who don't use default dpi don't get wrapping.
Thanks being so passionate about this, we really appreciate it!
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Andy, after you switched all my links to relative ones, I thought my site was staying on, but evidently it doesn't always. Or, it doesn't now at all. (I'm on it right now in another window, and it's saying I fixed my blog so that it's WinsomeWorks in all the links, no relative ones at all. I'm rather frustrated because I still haven't heard the reasoning behind using relative links or not. I thought someone (Allen, probably, because he helped me customize a lot) originally set me up with full links for a reason, & that's why I was asking. I would still like to know! Can you or someone tell me??
I don't see WinsomeWorks anywhere in the code below except in my blog link. How can I change this navbar so that it allows me or viewers to stay on WinsomeWorks through any navigation? Or is there something else I need to do? I've cleared cookies recently & that may be why my site reverted back to but that should be able to be fixed with corrections to the code so that it doesn't revert, right?
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<li><a href="/Other">Rob, Trudy, Lydia, & Seth's Photos</a></li>
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<li><a href="/Arts and Crafts">Arts & Crafts</a></li>
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
the first link into your site, nickname or domain. Although on my site if
entering with nickname it keeps auto switching to domain.
All relative does is add the nav link behind or depending what's there.
My Website index | My Blog
The odd thing is, it seems like I would have noticed all this months ago. I don't think it used to switch, but maybe I'm just wrong about that. Oh well, for now all seems good. Except that I'm getting famous for ignoring the obvious.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Anna Lisa - check your browser bookmarks - and any shortcuts you might have on your Desktop? What url are they pointing to?
Al answered about why we use relative links.
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