So I just purchased the year subscription with animoto, and was happy to descover that you are able to put your videos on smugmug. I have been trying to send the videos to my site, but for some reason it doesn't work. The next option is that it gives me the HTML code, but I'm just not sure where to put it. I have a tab for video in my navi-bar, and when you put the mouse over it, the video pops up. I would rather have it in the actual gallery. What do you think I'm doing wrong? The HTML code is:
******** type="text/javascript" src="<A href=""></script">"></********
and my site is
Thanks! :ivar
******** type="text/javascript" src="<A href=""></script">"></********
and my site is
Thanks! :ivar
Also when sending it to smug mug, I don't think you can control where it goes, which is a little inconvenient
the auto send to smugmug goes to /Other/Animoto for me... but I do what you do and download the high res and then manually upload this myself. I'm eagerly waiting for them to allow us to send the high-res direct to smugmug.
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
We have a feedback forum on Animoto as well, that lets users vote on features they'd like. I encourage you to start a thread about SmugMug people's wishlist. Our developers check this all the time, and if we could get a good SmugMug presence on there, you'll be on our developer's radar much more!
Pro-Exclusive Styles are here:
Will do!
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
made 2 suggestions so far related to smugmug (ps - didn't realize I wasn't logged into Animoto when I made the suggestions, so they're not linked to me, oh well)
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
But I agreed to send out an e-mail to management/the tech team, with most commonly heard issues/requests on DGrin so we can prioritize. Feel free to DM me with suggestions/issues, start threads, and vote for them on Animoto's Feedback Forum!
Pro-Exclusive Styles are here:
Yes, that works great in that fashion.
As far as the inconvenience where it goes, that is so minor. I just move it to the Gallery I want since I know where it is going to go initially.
Be well... Ara & Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...