580 Flash Question
Yesterday I did a vintage car rally shoot and the light was not good at times so I dwcidwd to use my 580 flash on my 40D using a 70-200 lens. I was in continuous mode and I am sure there is a simple explanation for this but I have noticed my flash only activates once in continuous. Can anyone please explain this? It would appear that the flash activates on the first image.
The 580 speedlite is a battery powered device that depends on charging a capacitor to power the flash. If you dump the entire charge of the capacitor for the first frame ( likely if shooting at a significant distance out of doors at a low ISO ) then for the next frames the capacitor is not charged and the flash does not fire.
Raise your ISO way up, and your flash will perform better for a couple frames, but it will not keep up with high frame rate indefinitely no matter what you do Bob, it only has 4 little AA batteries for power.
You may need a 220 V power supply for what you want Bob - just joking.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
You can get an external battery pack that will improve this performance, but it comes with a bit of catch. If you push the flash too hard an external battery pack will fry it - you will see smoke.
Thanks Pathfinder and Pyry. I fully understand what you are saying and you have fully explained it to me. I was shooting at an ISO of 800 I am pleased to say everything turned out quite well. However, I was somewhat curious why the flash only went off once. Thanks again for your kind help which I truly appreciate.
I do have the external battery pack and it can help, but I never use flash in High Frame rate mode because as Bob discovered, it really doesn't work that well.
If you can use you flash at 1/16th power, you might get several shots before the capacitor is fully dumped.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin