What A Hoot :)

This squirrel was hungry, but didn't want to eat in the rain so it pulled down the feeder and just crawled right in. Spent all day filling up :rofl And yes...I'm not buying the cheap feeders anymore 
Chowin' Down.......

And packin' it in......

Chowin' Down.......

And packin' it in......

Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I probably should of said it was inside the feeder
Thanks for taking a look Andrew and commenting......its something different then the "usual" and I wasn't to sure about posting it.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thanks Andrew
When I was a kid I had one for a pet. He would run across the floor and jump on my leg, and run circles around me like I was a tree and sit on my shoulder. He would jump from my shoulder to the refrigerator or the chandelier. One day he jumped from my shoulder to the top of a door casing and it didn't work out for him, so he jump back with his claws out and landed on my head. I had scratches across my face and eye lid......My dad came home from work and saw that and Pauncho the squirrel went to the woods.:D
These critters are a pain in the butt. The red ones are the worst as they will chew right into your house for warmth. Just threw this feeder away this morning. All broken up....dang squirrel!!
Today....sparrows were going inside before I threw it away
Thanks for commenting Tom
You had one for a pet....lucky you
Did you ever see Pauncho in the woods? Just wondering if you went looking for him and if he remembered you.
I'm glad the photos brought back some memories
Pauncho was first and foremost a squirrel .... He was becoming and adult and was developing issues.........:D He tore a hole in a porch rug and built a nest.... I was about 13yr old.... I loved him dearly, but he was quickly loosing support among other family members......
Love where this thread went. I just really enjoy it when photos can evoke strong memories.
Mary Kim, I also had to look a couple of times to realize there was a squirrel in there, I just thought it was of the feeder
I'm a squirrel lover myself-I blv we have a family living inside our roof--can hear them scrambling around--it's the raccoons that try and play the same trick that I don't like so much.
Our neighbors tree puts out a new litter every year. This year there were 6 of them. And this is one of the 6. Cute when they appear, but a nusiance in about a month or so.
Sorry about Pauncho, but I'm thinking he probably wanted to meet Mrs. Pauncho
Oh dang...I should of said there was a squirrel in the feeder. People have probably been looking at it wondering "what the heck is wrong with this woman"
When I have taken a photo and it sparks a memory then I know I've succeeded in something. No matter how simple of a photo it may be. I'm glad Azzaro shared his story of Pauncho
Thanks for commenting and following the thread Liz
to win all the Battles I've had with them
My Wife bought me a book for Christmas one year, it was titled 101 Ways to Outwit a Squirrel, only thing is I think that years best seller was 102 Ways to Out Wit a Human
Burleson, Texas
Those squirrel will always outwit us <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/rolleyes1.gif" border="0" alt="" >
I have a series of photos I took of a squirrel trying to open up the feeder...its funny.
We are down to two cheapie feeders now out of 4. Have a really good one, but the squirrels go through the seed so fast. Birds won't land on it if the squirrel is there. Guess I should buy the hubby a squirrel proof one someday.
Thanks for looking and commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed it and could actually find the squirrel in the feeder <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/rolleyes1.gif" border="0" alt="" >