Ok so your tired of Snowys
How about some Herons
A Dr. Seuss creature if I ever saw one

A Night Heron, and Harry there will be more :lol4 later

Overhead Heron BIF
A Dr. Seuss creature if I ever saw one

A Night Heron, and Harry there will be more :lol4 later

Overhead Heron BIF

#1 to difficult for you?
#2 yes New but close buddy how about fishermans village in the Marina
#3 OK OK I deserved that but at least its a balanced wing clip :lol4
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Morning Ginger
The birds in the Marina are not tame but they are used to people and a slow non aggresive approach allows pretty close access
They hang around the bait tanks for an easy meal and don't care much what you do. In fact the only problem in shooting them is trying to eliminate the man made stuff
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I think he died.:cry They must have told the birds, but they never told me! I would check periodically, no birds:cry ............or maybe a stray pelican like everywhere else.
Meanwhile, I have been told by just about everyone that I cannot go on the docks. They are a safety hazzard, but I was very careful. They claim "no insurance", a valid concern. However they are not nice about it, they glare as they want me to leave faster than I can move.
It is not a problem right now, come winter I am hoping these particular shrimpers will go away. That is when we get the sunsets there. I have one dock I am still allowed on, or not been told not to go on it. I am not wearing out my welcome until I need to.
Now is beach time. I need to get back there. I have been very slack about that this year............then I try to go with the dogs and almost kill one of them. So I think it will be a week or so before I try again. I have so many sunrises/sunsets from last year at this time.
This is a slack time for birds, just about everywhere.
It is really cool that you have that place, places like that are gold. IMO. I was embarassed to tell anyone here how easy I had it, for a long time. Then I posted a photo of the birds lined up. I still couldn't just walk up to them. The egrets were in water, the pelicans had their own issues, but if I sat down, waited, I could get closer shooting than I can now.
I got a lot more than I thought yesterday, mid day, of course. On that bridge again. I am chaffed today, don't think I will be going anywhere.
Interesting, don't know exactly what time I went, or when I left, but the birds were all gone, mostly whenever it was I left, at about 1 PM, or 2, it was the hot part of the day. I did not plan this.
There were Wood Storks in the distance, but none were flying.
I have seen a couple of night herons there, I think, but not close enough to shoot. The same with herons. Great White Egrets are the most prevalent, as in most places. I got a small black bird, I can't find it in my book, will post later, for ID.
ginger, thanks for telling me.............geez, a pet Night Heron, practically.
Oh, Magnolia Gardens is scary as H after dark. I cannot imagine that they won't stop people from staying there, once someone is killed........very frightening.
Here's a short list of what was there yesterday between 6 and 8pm
Night heron at least 6 + some Juves
GBH at least 4 including nest with babies about to fly out I think in a tall palm tree
snowys at least a dozen
pelicans bunches mainly browns
gulls of course
couple seals :wow missed a shot at the them but a fisherman told me there day almost everyday
4 casipian terns
ya know there were even some people there :lol4
2 comorants
ducks of course
these were all within about 100 yard walking area, you can get within I'd say about 20ft or so to shoot, not bad I say
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#2 is excellent. Night Herons are fine now that one is hanging out in the wetlands these days.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Evening Harry
Ok so let's see some. !!
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