Galleries lockup with IE8/XP not IE8/FF
All my galleries lockup when using IE8 and XP but work with FF and IE8 with Vista. Unable to open thumbs in the galleries and unable to view slideshow.
If you have IE8/XP please try it and let me know if it works and/or what the problem may be.
If you have IE8/XP please try it and let me know if it works and/or what the problem may be.
my Smugmug style page. Even the KB arrow keys won't advance photos. All
have latest Java. This also happened for me on my Dad's pc.
One of them noticed after clicking non-responsive thumb, if hitting browser
refresh button, not F5, the main photo of thumb clicked would come up.
Also on Dad's pc the page nav is missing.
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YE.onContentReady("slideshowButton", MoveToCartDiv);
Since some changes Smugmug made a little while ago, that line can cause problems on some versions of IE. I can't say whether that is what is causing your problem or not, but I'd suggest getting rid of it.
If you still want to move the slideshow button, there's a new way to do it in customization 4a here.
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using IE. But I will make the change and see what happens. Thanks.
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That solved the problem. Thank you very much. Does this mean we can't have the cart and slideshow buttons on the same line? Is someone working on a fix?
Thanks again.
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