Web site pictures darker than on my computer

Hello, it looks like when I upload some pictures to my website they appear a bit darker than what they really look like on my computer.
This is not the first time that people tell me that my pictures are too dark, yet they look just fine on my PC:scratch :scratch :scratch :scratch
This is not the first time that people tell me that my pictures are too dark, yet they look just fine on my PC:scratch :scratch :scratch :scratch
While images will look great on your monitor they will typically look dark on other monitors and print dark.
I hear you, but my shot also look fine on my camera
Most computer monitors, as shipped today, are much brighter, and more intensely colored ( color saturation ) than an accurately calibrated monitor is - because bright, intensely color images capture people's attention when sitting next to other monitors on a store display.
Most good calibrating software will attempt to set the brightness of the image as well as the proper color balance as well.
Do not trust the LCD n the back of your camera - it will lie to you
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Most LCD's needs to have their brightness lowered to less than HALF the original value, and more often than not cheap consumer LCD-screens just simply CAN'T be turned down to the correct level of brightness. Even minimum brightness setting is to bright.
Monitors vary greatly in their output, even among LCDs. My photos that look great on either of my very good LCDs at home routinely look dark and dreary on any of the three Dell LCDs I have at work. And that's with my home monitors calibrated and the Brightness dialed down to 20-30% and the Dells cranking out 100%. This has been my biggest gripe against digital since day one. (Not that it's stopped me from switching over.) I suspect you're in the same situation.