Lets do the time warp

I have such difficulty taking these stage shots at a local theater. The lighting is always fairly dim and all over the color temp spectrum. I don’t really like using my strobe because I just end up with monster shadows, and when I use ambient light I have to kick the ISO up to at least 800. Also often times they use smoke, so when I use a strobe it just looks like crap with the smoke.
Any tips tricks or advice.
Here is my most recent attempt. I am happy with a couple of them, but really want to improve.
Dr Disecto

Lets do the time warp again....


Any tips tricks or advice.
Here is my most recent attempt. I am happy with a couple of them, but really want to improve.
Dr Disecto

Lets do the time warp again....


As I was just noting in another thread, last Friday I used an EF 35mm f/2 on my 5D2 at a dimly-lit Halloween party, mostly at ISO 3200. Looking at the shots, you'd think the room was lit by floodlights.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
As much as I would like a markII type camera, It is out of the question for me right now.
Rwells... Thank you
I don't know that much about Nikon lenses (being a Canon shooter myself), but from a quick search online, the only Nikkor 18-200 VR that I saw was f/3.5-5.6, which I would not consider an acceptable low-light lens -- even f/3.5 at the short end is a bit too slow, to say nothing of the f/5.6 at the long end.
If you're going to stick with the D200 for the time being, and not use a flash, then you need faster lenses. Basically, you can either get faster zooms (probably at least two of them, since nobody that I know of makes a fast 18-200mm zoom), or buy even faster primes in the most useful focal lengths for what you're shooting. For the zooms, stick to f/2.8. For primes, get f/2 or better. An f/2.8 zoom isn't cheap, so if that's beyond your budget at the moment, a couple of inexpensive primes may be the best solution. I see that Nikon has 35mm and 85mm f/1.8 lenses that are each less than $400. They seem to get good reviews.
You also mentioned difficulties with color temperature. I think the best solution to that is to shoot RAW and do your own white-balancing on the computer.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
Try a 50 1.8 cheap and good
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
What kind of PP could be done to help this image?
borrowlenses.com what an interesting site.
Deffinetly made it look sharper, what did you do to it.. Thank you..:D
I use Nikon Capture NX2........I used black point and white point and a High Pass.....and some minor adjustments..... What program do you use for pp? If you want a little more explanation....Drop me and e-mail......azzaro