How do you store your photography equipment?

Right now, I store what I have in my photography bags and am looking for a better system to keep my lenses and camera housed when I am not using them.
How do you store your gear?
How do you store your gear?
My Gear
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My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
My Gear
My Websites - Personal |"Professional"
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
I went from storing various things in several LowePro bags and some cardboard boxes to getting everything into one huge Pelican case - I think it is Model No. 1630 with lid organizer and padded dividers. Yes, it is a bit spendy but I have everything in one spot for safe keeping and if I had to grab it all and run (fire, natural disaster, etc...) I could easily do that. I kept a small and medium size bags for work outside of the house.
- Rich
Rich, welcome to the Digital Grin.
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Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Then another two drawers in another cabinet has all the cables, batteries, chargers, and computing stuff.
You'll see, this will happen to you
(Un?)Fortunately, I don't (yet) have enough stuff that it's a storage problem. I bought a Tamrac backpack with enough capacity to hold everything I (initially) planned on putting in the kit. I still have enough space in there, after a little rearrangement, to add the UWA zoom I want to get, but for now it handles my D90, 4 lenses, flash, plus batteries, microfibers, remote cord, and manuals, and I can strap the tripod to the outside. I like it because everything is all in one place and I can just grab the pack and put it in the car and not worry that I forgot something. However, my wife and I each want our own camera, so eventually we'll need to get another bag, and I'm sure the lens collection will grow as well. I knew I was subject to gear lust when we bought the DSLR, but even I didn't really think it would become as much of an issue as it already has, just 7 months or so into this adventure.
My site 365 Project
I then wanted a Jill-e bag, but couldn't afford it so got this (bag #2) instead, which holds camera with short/short zoom attached +2-3 other lenses/flash.
However, I now have (aack! How'd that happen?!) camera+5 lenses (although one will soon be sold) + 2 flashes + bits and pieces, and have outgrown bag #2 on the occasions I need to take EVERYTHING with me (it still works beautifully as a day bag for camera+3 lenses or 2 lenses+flash)
Current solution?
I had a small rolling carry-on from Walmart, of all places. I put my two flashes and bits in bag #1, and the body+unpouched lenses in bag #2, and then put THOSE bags in the suitcase. There is still room to safely stow the pouched extra lens(es) outside the camera bags, but in the suitcase, which also has a dedicated laptop pouch. I'm not sure how it will hold up over time, but it's working nicely for now (although I wish I could find foam or velcro/padded inserts to turn it into a dedicated camera bag instead of doing the double bag thing)
FWIW, over the years I have bought branded expensive luggage, and el cheapo stuff on the fly (ie purchased on the road when the expensive bag broke and the only place to shop was a Kmart): without exception, the bags that have lasted the longest were the cheap ones, and I have given them a SERIOUS bashing. Go figure, eh?
I can carry all my gear in one of these:
That thing is HUGE and can carry a few bodies, lenses, flashes, and I keep extras in the bottom compartment including some super clamps.
I also carry all my portable studio in one of these:
I have my portable background stand and light stands strapped on the front, it's a bit to haul around, but mostly it stays sitting in the corner of the living room.
EFS 17-55 f/2.8 & 10-22 // Sigma 30mm f/1.4 & 50mm f/1.4
Sigma Bigma OS // Canon 70-200 IS f/2.8
I have some equipment stored in a Pelican 1650. Some in a Canon Backpack which is my normal everyday bag. I also have a backpack that is larger but bulkier and I really don't like it. I have 2 Alien Bees, cords, clamps, and associated equipment stored in a Stanley FatMax Mobile Work Station. That takes care of most of the stuff leaving a table full of miscellaneous.
I think I need one of those lateral files, even if it was a 2 drawer.
My Portfolio
MaxPreps Profile
Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.
Room for future purchases!
Cost $10 at garage sale