All Wet........

Somethings a bit fishy. 
1) Frozen Skates

2) Lion Around

3) Cardinal Sin

4) Rebel Yell (grouper)

5) Black Grouper

6) Blacktip Shark

7) Prince Charming

8) Puffer

9) Kiss Me

10) Don't get CRABY....last one.

1) Frozen Skates

2) Lion Around

3) Cardinal Sin

4) Rebel Yell (grouper)

5) Black Grouper

6) Blacktip Shark

7) Prince Charming

8) Puffer

9) Kiss Me

10) Don't get CRABY....last one.

I just went out and took a photo of the sky: ominous. However, no vistas here to set it off, just wanted to take a photo, so I did.
Now a shark would have been good, don't know what for, but it would have been interesting in this suburban neighborhood of townhouses and other houses.
"Osprey Whisperer"
These shots were taken in my swimsuit with a dive mask and snorkel. :uhoh O.K..not really. Most were taken at the Florida (Tampa) aquarium. The other favorite place are my own aquariums...or the local pet store.
I don't dive.....yet. So maybe someday I'll run into JAWS?? I do see them in the boat while fishing. Tons of blacktip shark off our beaches.
"Osprey Whisperer"
This image was shot with a 10D at ISO 800 at f1.4 1/20th. Lit by a dim tungsten bulb over the top of the tank - It was dim to the human eye also.
This image was shot with a 20D at ISO 1600 f3.2 1/60. There may be some cropping in the processing of these images so do not use them to compare noise levels between the various camera bodies used.
This frog was lit dimly by a single overhead tungsten bulb and captured with a 1DMkll at ISO 1600 f2.8 1/100
This blind reef fish was captured with a 10D at ISO 800 f2.5 1/125
I think this will give you an idea of the kind of results you can expect with a 20D or similar DSLR at ISO 800 or 1600.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
very nicely done
My Galleries
Here are some extreme cases that were pushed for their "effect" (grain/contrast...harsh/cold/dark feel). The large grouper tank was only lit by a little overhead sunlight. Very dark tank indeed. I kind of like the feel of these permit shots.
Same tank....different fish (grouper) :uhoh
"Osprey Whisperer"
I tried to get some shots of the dragon you posted above and it was 9pm at night and so very dark that I was not satisfied and did not upload it to smuggy. As you say, these tanks are Dark and require high ISOs and fast lenses.
I have caught four tuna, but never with all four in focus:D ...
10D ISO 800 f1.4 1/250
And I do have a puffer fish 1DMkll ISO 1600 f3.2 1/30
Trying to shoot at ISO 400 will be extremely challenging as you said. Most of the shots I posted here were actually shot with -0.67 to -1.0 negative EC as well. So ISO 400 will just not be in the chase.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I have the Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 macro (pseudo). I will upgrade some day...but for the money it seemed like a very versatile lens (double duty). I collect WWII militaria...and figured it would be great for shooting uniforms and details of the medals etc.
Thanks for sharing your photos. Nice job.
"Osprey Whisperer"
"Osprey Whisperer"
Well, I learned something today then. Thank you. And yes, I found they were fast enough swimmers to be difficult to photograph at the shutter speeds available due to the low light levels. Look at the Canon f1.8 or f1.4 50mm. They are both a bargain for their price.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
When I shoot fish, I feel where the glass wand it of the tank, and then slightly press the camera against the glass to avoid shake. Then on to the small aperture and sloooowww shutterspeed...I love digital sigh.
That's the same technique I've used with good success. It limits composition and you have to look for fish that sit still but it allows me to use low ISOs to keep the noise gremlins away (I don't have the dslr with the super-clean high ISOs).
See examples in these galleries:
I took a look in your galleries Phil, and wow, lovely fish shots. Love the crab with the pale colors.
I dug into my archives to find a fish of my own, and found one.
In my previous comment I meant of course the fastest possible shutterspeed.
I took the fish below with the minolta dimage 7I, which started at 100 ASA.
I now have the Nikon D70, who goes to 1600, but the minute you go over 400 the graininess becomes terrible. A true setback of the otherwise splendid Nikon D70 is also that it starts at 200 ASA, which is not enough in some cases.
"Osprey Whisperer"
real challenge. The large tanks keep their subjects far away too.
Nice shots eveyone!
I offer moon jellies:
"Osprey Whisperer"