
Some inverts from a local fish store. Not the best shooting situations....but not bad either. Too bad they don't keep their tank glass clean. :dunno I guess I'll have to start carying the cleaning kit inside with me next time. :scratch
1) Floating Sea Mine.

2) Death Star

3) Green Mushrooms

4) Disc Anemone (mushrooms)
1) Floating Sea Mine.

2) Death Star

3) Green Mushrooms

4) Disc Anemone (mushrooms)

Funny, I read fish store, I am so southern coastal now, I thought they were fish to eat.
I finally figured it out.
Michiel de Brieder
The green things are related to sea anemone. Sometimes called disc anemone...but more commonly refered to as mushrooms (corals). Lazy people like me just call them "Shrooms". They are an animal....but not a fish.
Hope to have some more fish/invert shots. Planning a trip to some of the public aquariums soon. :-D My tanks are all empty at the moment. :cry These shots were taken at a LFS (local fish store) shop. They don't take real good care of their aquariums. Lighting is pretty poor also. Still turned out ok IMO. Many tanks have blue actinic lights ....making for interesting lighting. Not to mention the subject matter is often brilliantly colored. (eye candy).
"Osprey Whisperer"