Santorini, Greece was breathtaking and soo peaceful. I was able to capture some of my most favorite pictures. I have more on my site and trying to figure out how can I make any money from them. Please let me know what you think of the pics and if you have any ideas where to try to sell them dont keep it to yourself haha. Thanks
also how do you upload mult photos?
also how do you upload mult photos?
My Gallery
Never sold anything, so can't help you out there.
As for posting more than one, you need to use links.
If you have a smugmug site, once you select an image (not just selecting the thumbnail, but select the image so you have all the size options), you can select a size, and select 'copy' from the right mouse menu, and then just paste that into your post. The img/img pragmas come along for free when you do it that way.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I wanted to try adding the mult pics this time. Here are some more pics. Thanks for the comments
The photo with the dog gave me the heebie/jeebies....looks like he/she could fall off. Are those blue footprints on the white concrete?
Kind of surprised, but not
I had the XTi and it was a really good camera. Passed it along to my son and his wife. As for the 70-300 I use that lens to on my 40D and used it with my Rebel. It's cheap, but if there's bright sun that lens is sooooo good
Again...wonderful photos
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I agree the dog as very cool made me miss mine while we were there but made those photos truly one of a kind.