Moon Shot
This seems to be the season to take moon shots so I thought I would give it a go.
This was taken with the Olympus E3 + Sigma 50-500 @500mm, f6.3, 1/160s hand-held. I think I got the exposure just about right.

The shadows of the crater rims can be seen and, interestlingly, the debris cast from recent impact points on the moon. I wonder how large the object was that caused the large crater in the bright area (lower right) and the impact (excuse pun) on earth if this object entered our atmosphere:wow
This was taken with the Olympus E3 + Sigma 50-500 @500mm, f6.3, 1/160s hand-held. I think I got the exposure just about right.

The shadows of the crater rims can be seen and, interestlingly, the debris cast from recent impact points on the moon. I wonder how large the object was that caused the large crater in the bright area (lower right) and the impact (excuse pun) on earth if this object entered our atmosphere:wow