Not getting subscription emails
Greetings powers-that-be,
I know there have been a couple threads (here and here) over the last month about this or similar problems but I am hoping I can find out if there is a resolution for it.
Sometime a month or so ago I started receiving subscribed thread notifications only randomly. It does not seem to be related to any individual threads as I'll get some from a thread and not others. My control panel appears to be configured correctly (and I had no problems previously) and my spam filters (outlook and gmail itself) have not caught anything they shouldn't have.
Any ideas? Anything I didn't check that I should have?
I know there have been a couple threads (here and here) over the last month about this or similar problems but I am hoping I can find out if there is a resolution for it.
Sometime a month or so ago I started receiving subscribed thread notifications only randomly. It does not seem to be related to any individual threads as I'll get some from a thread and not others. My control panel appears to be configured correctly (and I had no problems previously) and my spam filters (outlook and gmail itself) have not caught anything they shouldn't have.
Any ideas? Anything I didn't check that I should have?
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Same here. Don't get notifications of forum posts despite having control panel set up for it. There are no emails for this on gmail, to which my bellsouth mail is forwarded or on the bellsouth server, where there is always a copy. And there is nothing in spam.
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My understanding of email is that it either ends up in the inbox or the spam box. This isn't ending up in ANY box. All of my mail is on the bellsouth server. I don't think bellsouth takes the liberty of deciding that mail is spam and delete it before the user ever sees it. They put it into spam for the user to decide if it is spam or not. It's not in spam.
I think this is a bug in dgrin. These emails are not getting to my email server. And now with this other post, I am apparently not the only one with this problem. Would you want me to change the email address in my forum profile to the gmail address and see if the problem continues?
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Done. Please respond to this and lets see what happens.
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There is very little in the pipe between DGrin and me (DGrin --> Gmail --> my eyes). If I, like Cynthia, have not received any emails then I would suspect it was possibly something on the receiving end. However, since my problem is intermittent and no emails are being blocked in an obvious way, I suspect it is on DGrin's side.
For what it's worth, here are two other troubleshooting points:
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
Hah! Don't hold your breath.
Seriously, intermittent problems are hard to track down. "Something is happening but we don't know what it is..."
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Except when it doesn't. Worked perfectly for me for four years, too, and given the small number of complaints we see, I assume that it works perfectly for the vast majority. But it's not working perfectly now for me.
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I tried that when I first noticed the problem, but I will do it again and give an update tomorrow.
Indeed! As a software developer I sympathize with the effort required to track down a problem like this. There's nothing more difficult than troubleshooting something when you don't know when it will happen.
Can someone reply to this please and thank you?
It 'tis a mystery...
But I got one for yours.
Andy: you writing all this down?
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