C&C Please

OK junk or artistic?
Be honest................don't sugar coat it. OK you can sprinkle a little sugar on top.
Be honest................don't sugar coat it. OK you can sprinkle a little sugar on top.

Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
The guy has a distinctive look, and I think you captured that very well. I'm confused however by your chosen treatment. The strange colors and faux distressing ruin what is otherwise a perfectly good image, IMHO.
I did a quick sepia conversion, to get past the awful mix of colors, and I liked that look much better, but the texture was still too much to ignore. I guess I just don't see where the chosen texture enhances the image in any way.
I also liked Andrews suggestion about an embossed leather look. That might work better with the subject and the existing background. And like he said, keep messing with it, you're working with a strong foundation.
Homepage - James Hill Photography
It's a very compelling portrait, but the cluttered surrounding distract from it. If that was your motivation for the effects you applied, I don't think it worked. I think tight vignetting and/or blurring would be more effective and not as distracting.
If you wanted to convey that the subject is somehow far more unusual than he might ordinarily appear, I think you're on track. The effects do provoke a response, but is it the one you want?
I must admit I am just playing around attempting to exaggerate the character on the face. I am not looking for any particular feed back other than what you honestly think.
Another set of eyes with a different viewpoint is invaluable.
Here is the original version, which I like, but the portraitee doesn't like.
No problem at all. If he doesn't like it he doesn't like it.
I did modify the heavy processed one to remove much of the blue.
I do thank all who commented!!!!