Sitting on the Dock of the Harbour_______IR

Sorry Otis:D:D:D
Here's a few more from the beautiful Peggy's Cove.

Shot with modded D70S, Thanks for Looking!!!
Here's a few more from the beautiful Peggy's Cove.

Shot with modded D70S, Thanks for Looking!!!
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Very good and so inviting to visit
Gotta wonder tho...what would like look like in the dead of winter
I really like the tones of your harbor series. You have to show me how to do it.
Since I used to live down the road from "the cove" I can answer that question
It doesn't look much different - it's just COLD with the wind off the Atlantic.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Not much different....really? What about snow? Do you get lots of snow? Cold...ND can get pretty cold too in the winter. How cold do you get?
What a beautiful place to live .. your very lucky
I'm really loving these beautiful shots. Being from Florida, the maritime overture to this area strikes a familiar chord with me.....looks like a place I could go and happily spend a couple of months. Keep 'em coming.
Take care,
Howdy Richard,
Thanks very much, never been to a place where I almost got tired of shooting, I said almost:D
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Andrew,
Thanks very much, I know, I tried messing with it and it got worse<G> so I decided to leave it alone.
I see the sled look now that you said it.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Mary Kim,
I know, I just loved the feel of that place, with all the other folks wandering around, this place just seem to be a quiet zone, really had a good feel to it.
Burleson, Texas
You Rascal where have you been, you win the DGRIN's 1st IR Challenge and then you're gone:D:D:D With that stunning image of the Korean War Memorial I think you're the one that need to show me how
Look forward to seeing more from you.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Tom,
Thanks very much, I'll bet you'd love it, heck we're from the Prairies an we just couldn't get enough:D:D:D
Appreciate the kind replies!!!
Burleson, Texas
Thanks. I think all of the Maritime Provinces are quite beautiful -both on the coast and inland. But, I'm biased. I live here.:D
All of the areas along the eastern and southern shores of NS (below Halifax on the map) avoid the worst of the snow because they're right on the ocean. Despite the cold winds and cold surface temperatures, not as much snow falls on the shoreline and what does fall, doesn't stay much.
I now live in New Brunswick on the opposite side of the Bay of Fundy (near Sussex which is between Saint John and Moncton on Highway #1 on the map). We're inland about 30 miles from the shore as the crow flies. As a result we get much more snow and it stays. There's even a ski hill not too far from where I live.
Temperature-wise we get to zero (F) or -30 (C) fairly often in January and early February. Combine that with snow and a north-easterly wind and winter is a challenge for a few weeks
But, other than that, it's reasonably temperate.
Come north for a visit. The scenery can be breathtaking any time of the year. Want snow? we've got it! Want foggy shores? No problem. How about farmers' fields etc.? Uh huh. Fishing boats and lobster traps? Yep. Rocky shore lines? Sandy Beaches? Forests? It's all here. The only two things we can't offer are deserts and high mountains like the Rockies.
Gotta love the Maritimes. I do sound like a one-woman booster club, don't I?
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Thank you for all the information. It is very helpful
Doesn't sound bad for a winter visit. Better then what we get here in ND.
Craigs beautiful photos pushed the "go" button on a trip we have always talked about.
Facebook Fan Page
Thanks very much, appreciate the kind reply.
Burleson, Texas
Thank You!!!
Burleson, Texas
I knew I would get into trouble for disappearing. I'll post a couple of IR shots soon.
I really love the IR effect on the colors here. Makes me want to return to NS. I really enjoyed our stay there.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Howdy Anthony,
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Jack,
Thanks, I know what you mean, I would love to be there right now, and stay for a long time.
We are really looking forward to going back and including NF also.
Burleson, Texas