Meriones unguiculatus (Clawed Warrior)
Hello all. I had a chance to borrow a 60 mm Nikon prime from a buddy of mine. Here are a couple of Delenn, one of our pet gerbils.

Please let me know what you think. The second one was a little bit over exposed, but the light was changing fast (sunlight near sunset through the window) and gerbils don't always stand still. Ok, they almost never stand still. I can tell already that I am going to need to buy *fast* lenses. Sigh... it isn't like I enjoy having money.

Please let me know what you think. The second one was a little bit over exposed, but the light was changing fast (sunlight near sunset through the window) and gerbils don't always stand still. Ok, they almost never stand still. I can tell already that I am going to need to buy *fast* lenses. Sigh... it isn't like I enjoy having money.
Nikon D200, usually with 18-200VR or 50mm f/1.8D
Ubuntu 9.04, Bibblepro, GIMP, Argyllcms
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Nikon D200, usually with 18-200VR or 50mm f/1.8D
Ubuntu 9.04, Bibblepro, GIMP, Argyllcms
Blog at
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Thanks. If you look very closely, you will see that her eye is a vertical slit, similar to a cat. Somewhat ironic I suppose...
Nikon D200, usually with 18-200VR or 50mm f/1.8D
Ubuntu 9.04, Bibblepro, GIMP, Argyllcms
Blog at