Quick Question, Help Please...
I know this might be a stupid question, but I really am not sure of the answer to it.... If I calibrated my monitor via my PC computer and I unhook my monitor from the PC and hook it up to the desktop, do I need to recalibrate my monitor?
I know this might be a stupid question, but I really am not sure of the answer to it.... If I calibrated my monitor via my PC computer and I unhook my monitor from the PC and hook it up to the desktop, do I need to recalibrate my monitor?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
The term "calibrating the monitor" is really not quite accurate, actually you are calibrating the video system of your computer which consists of the monitor and the video card. If either one of those changes you need to re-calibrate. The standard is to re-calibrate the system every couple of weeks anyway. I am not sure that is really as necessary with today's LCD monitors as it was with the older CRT monitors but it is not a bad idea anyway.
Mike Mattix
Tulsa, OK
"There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown