Pictures of Katie

Picture of Katie with the corgis and unknown dog. I particularly like this photo as Katie is so into the game of "herding" herself and being a dog. This is all new to her. She does fine at the beach, or has, despite her breathing problems.
She has been fine. She is very upset with me as I cut her bangs yesterday. She was fine with dying, but cutting her bangs, she turned tail for hours after that.
I am sure she has no memory of anything that happened to her on the way to the beach.
I have even read/seen on TV that kids are being choked, almost to death, for some kind of high they supposedly experience. It is a new fad that is killing some of them.
I am certainly glad Katie is here now, though it was a very strange feeling for me. Strange is not the word. To just look down and see your dog "dead" at your feet, well, it is not an experience I have ever gone through before. I have had dogs die, found dead animals, cats and dogs, but not had a healthy animal on a leash, and suddenly when I look down find them spread out on the ground like a beanie baby that has lost its beads.
She has all of her stuffing back now. Other than the loss of some extra facial hair by her mean person, she is fine. These are some photos of her.
Thanks to everyone for caring.

I am sure you all have seen some of these before. She is difficult to photograph, so when I get a good one, I show it around. This next one is not that flattering, but it does look like Katie, she sits kind of strangely.

I love that one above here. It is at the dog park, as is the one above it.
She has been fine. She is very upset with me as I cut her bangs yesterday. She was fine with dying, but cutting her bangs, she turned tail for hours after that.
I am sure she has no memory of anything that happened to her on the way to the beach.
I have even read/seen on TV that kids are being choked, almost to death, for some kind of high they supposedly experience. It is a new fad that is killing some of them.
I am certainly glad Katie is here now, though it was a very strange feeling for me. Strange is not the word. To just look down and see your dog "dead" at your feet, well, it is not an experience I have ever gone through before. I have had dogs die, found dead animals, cats and dogs, but not had a healthy animal on a leash, and suddenly when I look down find them spread out on the ground like a beanie baby that has lost its beads.
She has all of her stuffing back now. Other than the loss of some extra facial hair by her mean person, she is fine. These are some photos of her.
Thanks to everyone for caring.

I am sure you all have seen some of these before. She is difficult to photograph, so when I get a good one, I show it around. This next one is not that flattering, but it does look like Katie, she sits kind of strangely.

I love that one above here. It is at the dog park, as is the one above it.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I just love that last one of her by the picnic table. I love the light on her hair. She's very cute. I'm so glad she's OK.
Some day, if I have a free ticket on Southwest (my husband gets them every so often), I'm going to come to your town and visit you. It would be great if I could bring Red, but that is not to be. We'll go shooting together, huh. Would that be cool or what?
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