Galleries links are not working???
I just got a notice from a customer that the link to their gallery was not working. I don't know how long it has been like this and in checking it noticed it is happening to most of our galleries.
Can anyone help fix this for us. Nothing has changed (layout, etc).
This is what the page turns into once clicked.
This is the website.
Several galleries on each page are not working. Any ideas??
Thanks so much!:scratch
Can anyone help fix this for us. Nothing has changed (layout, etc).
This is what the page turns into once clicked.
This is the website.
Several galleries on each page are not working. Any ideas??
Thanks so much!:scratch
You had forwarded to your SmugMug site, we've never officially supported that. A while back when we added Akamai for speed boost, we announced to you with custom domains that improperly configured domains may cease to work or show issues in the future.
Welcome to 'the future'!
But NO WORRIES, if you've got site nav issues due to your domain not being set up right, we can help, and really fast!
If your domain is being used to point at another site that is not hosted by SmugMug, stop. Do not make the changes below. All that needs to be done is to remove the custom domain from your SmugMug control panel. That should correct the problem. If your domain is supposed to point at SmugMug, proceed with the steps below.
We have more information on the correct domain setups here:
In a nutshell, to set up the CNAME correctly you need the following:
1. for the www host point a CNAME record to
2. also add or change an A record to if you want people to be able to
access your site without www. Some domains allow you to use an @ sign
for the host to indicate that it is empty. Check the help at your
domain host to see what they recommend.
If you use instead of ,
point the subdomain with a CNAME record to and don't
add an A record as it isn't needed.
Do not use your full domain in the CNAME unless the domain host tells
you to. If you do, you will end up with or something similar.
Do not put in the address as the destination no
matter how tempting that may be. Do not use forwarding or redirects
either. None of these will work correctly.
records if there are any for your site. It will take 24-48 hours for
the changes to propagate around the internet.
If you have not already done so, go to your SmugMug control panel and
enter the custom domain on the settings tab. That is all there is too
it. If you have problems, please let me know.
If you are stuck, write our Support Heroes ATTN: Doc/Nick in the subject line and send us your domain host UserID and set the password
to something temporary like SmugTemp123. We will log in and make the
changes or check the settings for you. When we are done you can reset the
1. the name of your domain registrar
2. login name to your domain
3. change the password for your domain to smugtemp{insert_4_random_digits}
Once we have made the changes, we will let you know so that you could
change your password back.
Questions? We're here for you!
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Wow, you are fast and I really appreciate it!
I will be going over your notes but wanted to send you a quick THANKS, first!!!