#37 - A grave situation

Do either of these have any potential? :scratch
I wonder who's going to have a harder time with this challenge, us or the judges? :huh

I wonder who's going to have a harder time with this challenge, us or the judges? :huh


I think #1 is the closest to fitting the challenge in my opinion and I like the shot, however, I think it's too close to the last challenge (creepy). I feel like I've recently seen this shot many many times, which might work against you.
These are very nice shots, but I'm not really sure if they fit into this theme
I just don't know
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Strangely enough, Liz, I don't see these as creepy but I can see where others might and your point either of these working against me because of the last challenge is a very valid one. Thanks.
Hey Tatiana, I don't think I could have gotten any closer to those three headstones in #1 and still keep them in the frame.
I'll just have to see about finding something else to fill a frame.
Right - maybe it's just the subject...
I guess it would be better - or maybe you can take just a detail - I really don't know what to say,
but I know you can do such nice images...
BTW: Nice to see your real photo in the avatar
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I'm laughign at myself for having "no ideas" - ok, main reason is I'm busy doing other stuff and just haven't reallly had any time to shoot for this challenge, but still. I usually get comments on my portraits that they're "too close" and to "shoot looser" - so the one time I NEED a close-crop I'm not on the ball? Oy... talk about "contrarian"....