Auto placement not working right
On my screen, the thumbs are on the left, and the current image is placed below the thumbs instead of to the right.
If I toggle the full-screen button on the frame, the larger image winds up where it belongs.
Does SM have a problem when changing the zoom size in FF? It looks like it's resizing everything properly, but is getting the placement confused.
If I toggle the full-screen button on the frame, the larger image winds up where it belongs.
Does SM have a problem when changing the zoom size in FF? It looks like it's resizing everything properly, but is getting the placement confused.
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We believe we've made a system change that will prevent this from happening, it's been signed off on internally and we hope it'll go with the next release cycle, this week (Thursday night?).
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I'm gonna faint if you keep this up...
Back to the issue - I'm looking at the pics, do the 'zoom', the screen reshuffles, and the current pic is misplaced. What is the "reset" you're referring to?