Looking for Inspiration #37

I haven't participated in a challenge in a while. I've been busy plus I just didn't feel inspired to be creative at anything. I hated every photo I took all summer, so I put the camera away for a while.
Anyway, I've been trying to get out of this slump I seem to be in so I thought I'd try to find something to fill the frame. I took a walk around the yard this weekend and found these. Am I on the right track with any of them? I'd need to re-shoot for sure. I was really on a hunt for something--ANYTHING--to catch my eye, so I was more interested in composition than in getting the perfect shot. Minimal editing (if any) on these, btw.
Are any of these theme worthy?
1. Termite Buffet
2. Abby by the window (I've since noticed other much better kitty faces, so this one probably won't fly)

3. Pumpkin


5. Rusty can (not sure it quite fills the frame though)

6. Another pumpkin

Are any of these worth pursuing? Thanks in advance for any help, advise, and/or c&c.
Anyway, I've been trying to get out of this slump I seem to be in so I thought I'd try to find something to fill the frame. I took a walk around the yard this weekend and found these. Am I on the right track with any of them? I'd need to re-shoot for sure. I was really on a hunt for something--ANYTHING--to catch my eye, so I was more interested in composition than in getting the perfect shot. Minimal editing (if any) on these, btw.
Are any of these theme worthy?
1. Termite Buffet

2. Abby by the window (I've since noticed other much better kitty faces, so this one probably won't fly)

3. Pumpkin


5. Rusty can (not sure it quite fills the frame though)

6. Another pumpkin

Are any of these worth pursuing? Thanks in advance for any help, advise, and/or c&c.
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Thanks again.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
First of all, welcome back!
I really like kitty, with a little more DOF and focus.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.