Banner Disappeared

Over the top of my website I have a "PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHARK" banner. It has disappeared from view. About a half hour ago, while on my site, the power went off in my house for a split second. Just enough to shut my computer off. When I rebooted, the banner was gone, and I have no idea how to get it back. For a while I couldn't get into my settings either. But I went to the SmugMug site and logged in that way, then I was able to get into settings. But the banner is still gone. Does anybody have an idea what might be the problem?
Clear your browser cache, and try again. I'm able to see your header using Google Chrome...
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
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Ansel Adams
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Got a link to your banner image....
My Smugmug Site
I'm not sure how to do that.
Ansel Adams
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Ansel Adams