Lunenburg Shipyard

Howdy All,
A few images from the Historic Town of Lunemburg

Thanks for looking, Shot with Modded D70S by LifePixel.
A few images from the Historic Town of Lunemburg

Thanks for looking, Shot with Modded D70S by LifePixel.
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
Your 1st photo is so much fun to look at. My eyes rise up to the flag on top. All those lines....I had to follow each one. And the color is
Your 2nd photo --- the white ball fascinates me. Did you take a look at it?
3# --- its pointing out to sea
I enjoyed looking at all 3
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Howdy Mary,
Thanks very much,
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Snowgirl,
As far as the powerline and the historic wharf look, that's what the historic wharf looked like:D Just part of the modern world, unfortunately!!
Burleson, Texas
I like #1 and #3. In #1, I like the contrast between the clouds and the dark tones of the masts and the contrast between the black water and the light tone of ship body. There are many ropes but they seem organized some how. I tried taking shots of a similar historic ship and couldn't figure out how to frame the numerous ropes. Maybe I was too close (standing directly underneath the masts). In #3, like Mary Kim said, it's neat that it points out to sea.
These are all very nice but I especially like #1 for the reasons already mentioned by others. Did you manage to get any good shots in the town itself? The overhead wires and parked cars obscuring all the pretty buildings drove me mad when I was there.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
I like them all. I wonder about the old 3 masted ship. Is it used as a training vessel, or perhaps offered up for tours? The maintenance on something like that must be horrendous and I wonder how they offset those expenses.
Keep 'em coming, my friend, and take care,
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Howdy Anthony,
Thanks very much, the Lunenburg Harbor was just rich in Photo Op's.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Jack,
Thanks very much, I know what you mean, it was really hard to get any
clear shots of most things.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Tom,
I am not to sure about the Pictou being a training vessel, the Bluenose II was in port and it's a training ship, and was putting out to Sea the next day. It's supposedly a replica of the famous Racing Ship and fishing Vessel.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Tony,
Thanks very much, it was a surreal scene, late in the evening, and a storm coming in.
I am afraid the Wires were a major factor in the Composition of the first image. I would have loved to have gotten the whole thing in but the lens on my IR camera wasn't wide enough.
Appreciate the kind reply.
Burleson, Texas
You really do get to some interesting places! Thanks for always letting us tag along.