Gallery settings defaults changed?
Am I nuts, or did the default selections for gallery settings change recently? Roughly once a month I "publish " a gallery with a selection of photos from all my galleries from the month. I've always just created the gallery when I start moving photos to it (using the "new gallery" option in the move tool) and then, when I was done, changed the category and flipped it from unlisted to public. I've always left the other settings unchanged, but for some reason this last one I had to go back in and set "easy sharing" and "external links" to on. The only reason I realized what had happened was the SimpleMug on Facebook didn't see the new gallery - and when I went looking in the gallery for the Share button for a quick fix it wasn't there.
So anyways, that's a long story for a simple question, but it's frustrating to have this kind of thing change unexpectedly. Now I know what to be aware of, I guess... :rolleyes
So anyways, that's a long story for a simple question, but it's frustrating to have this kind of thing change unexpectedly. Now I know what to be aware of, I guess... :rolleyes
Just noticed that printing and comments were off, and largest size was X3 instead of O - I never used to have to change those... why is all this stuff different? Did I miss an announcement?
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Note that I started this with "am I nuts?" because I'm not 100% certain about what all the settings were. So you're saying that no changes of any kind have been made to the default "out-of-the-box" gallery settings in recent weeks or months?
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Huh - didn't realize that - I assumed they went to SmugMug defaults. Since EyeFi is automatically creating the galleries that I'm moving photos from, maybe something changed there? I'll have to take a closer look... Thanks, Andy.