Contact me or email me links
One of my faithful clients (God Bless him!) told me that my email me link was busted. That link used to send people to a page where they could send me emails. I was using EmailMeForm for free, but they got rid of their links and only offer html codes for contacts like I have on my Contact page.
What companies or website applications are you guys using for your contact me forms or links?
What companies or website applications are you guys using for your contact me forms or links?
Sheba Wheeler -- Picture Your World Photography
I use the free as well on a friends site. The html code can be pasted into a gallery's description section. Just make sure it has <html> before the code and </html> after the code. You can even edit the colors so they match your site perfectly.
I've also made an html page using smugmug's tutorials and pasted the code in there. Then all you have to do is make a link to that page in any gallery description you like.
Speaking of Email forms and usage...
What's interesting is that even though I also have my regular email link on that Contact page (and on the bottom of each page of my site), of all the emails I've received through the site, about 95% of them come from the form! I never expected that to be the case. Good to know that it's a great tool many viewers really do use, and don't seem to mind entering the "Captcha" verification code. I guess its more convenient than them having to actually open their email program...?
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
I have been using on my personal site the Easy Contact plug in for WordPress. It works fairly well it does not have Captcha it has a question that you can determine that needs to be answered. You can go to the direct site at
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Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator