You can never go wrong with "orange". This would be a cool shot even without the window signs. They do however really add a nice plus to the image with their wonderful colors.
You are getting out among them lately!!! This is really nice, good color and simple. Did you take this from your truck? How did you keep the camera steady for this night shot?
You are getting out among them lately!!! This is really nice, good color and simple. Did you take this from your truck? How did you keep the camera steady for this night shot?
Thanks Eia for the comment..... There isn't anything left to shoot around my house......:D The pic was shot at 1/60 at ISO 560 AT f4.5 so it was hand held, besides I don't have a tripod. And it was shot from the truck....
You can never go wrong with "orange". This would be a cool shot even without the window signs. They do however really add a nice plus to the image with their wonderful colors.
Hey Jack.......Thanks for the great comment..... I got to get away from orange azzaro
You can never go wrong with "orange". This would be a cool shot even without the window signs. They do however really add a nice plus to the image with their wonderful colors.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Cheers, Richard
Thanks Eia for the comment..... There isn't anything left to shoot around my house......:D The pic was shot at 1/60 at ISO 560 AT f4.5 so it was hand held, besides I don't have a tripod. And it was shot from the truck....
Hi Richard.... No it wasn't and Orton.....I just messed around with it till I got what I wanted.... Thanks for the nice comment..... azzaro
Hey Jack.......Thanks for the great comment..... I got to get away from orange
I love the color and the signs in the windows. The combination of English in the window and including some of the spanish at the end works well.
As for me...I'll have a glass of water
Thanks Mary Kim.......:D azzaro
The colors, textures, etc.
The windows with signs reminds me of a film strip with interesting images in each frame.
THANKS RANDY...... azzaro
YOU GOT IT........ azzaro:D
Thanks for commenting and the comment......:Dazzaro
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Thanks Sexy6chick....for the nice comment ... azzaro