Is it real?
One of my hobbies is building and flying R/C Airplanes. Last May I went to a week long Fly-In in Woodruff, SC, at a field called Triple Tree Aerodrome. I didn't go to fly though (none of the airplanes I have are big enough for this event), I went to shoot them! One of the larger "Scale" model manufacturers, Balsa USA, solicited photos for their advertising from modelers, offering photo credit in the add. Since I'm a modeler before I'm a photographer, I offered a photo to them. My photo is now being used by them in an ad in the November issue of "Model Aviation" magazine, page 129 :barb (although they spelled my last name wrong :huh ). Here is the photo I sent to them.

(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Good luck,
I wouldn't of known either that these were models. They even have little flying men with scarves in the plane
You must need a large area in which to fly these....ND should fly these since we're so flat with a lot of wide open space
The photo did come together so beautifully with the fog. The line up of the planes worked well too.
What a great shot, and Congratulations on the getting Published.
The image just has a great look and feel to it, with all the elements coming
together just right.
Very nicely done!!!
Burleson, Texas
Dogdots - By ND, I assume you mean North Dakota? And you're right, it is flat and wide open. I spent the first three and a half years of my time in the USAF in Min(dr)ot, ND.
Yeppers....ND is North Dakota
You've been to Minot so you do know how flat we are
It would be neat to see some of those model planes flying around here.
About the only thing I miss about that place is the long summer days. I definitely don't miss it this time of year! aren't a winter person
I used to be. I grew up near Ft. Wayne, IN, but Minot ruined that. I've lived along the Gulf Coast for nearly 12 years now and anything under 70F is too cold :cool .
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