Where find smugmug details on sell pricing info & distribution of money etc ?
Hi all.
Im searching smugmug to findout how the pricing works for selling downloads/prints/merchandise, and the distribution of the monies. Can someone please direct me or tell me how this all works. For example, if I am selling downloads/prints/merchandise of my photos, how and who distributes the money. do they get a percentage of what i charge, or do i get a percentage, who gets what. Im wondering if smugmug will work for what im looking for. I shoot surfing photos, and charge the individual surfers for there photos. I price them so if they purchase 1-10 photos they get 1 price/perphoto, more then 10 a lower price/per pic, etc. this will be for them to download the original photos. If they want to purchase prints as well then thats great. My question is will smug mug be good for this and do they handle the collection of money, or how does this work. do they get percentage of what i charge. do i get a percentage of prints & merchandise that are sold through my gallery/connected website? I cant see anywhere on the smugmug website that explains the specifics.
thanks for any help, much appreciated
Im searching smugmug to findout how the pricing works for selling downloads/prints/merchandise, and the distribution of the monies. Can someone please direct me or tell me how this all works. For example, if I am selling downloads/prints/merchandise of my photos, how and who distributes the money. do they get a percentage of what i charge, or do i get a percentage, who gets what. Im wondering if smugmug will work for what im looking for. I shoot surfing photos, and charge the individual surfers for there photos. I price them so if they purchase 1-10 photos they get 1 price/perphoto, more then 10 a lower price/per pic, etc. this will be for them to download the original photos. If they want to purchase prints as well then thats great. My question is will smug mug be good for this and do they handle the collection of money, or how does this work. do they get percentage of what i charge. do i get a percentage of prints & merchandise that are sold through my gallery/connected website? I cant see anywhere on the smugmug website that explains the specifics.
thanks for any help, much appreciated
There's an overview at http://www.smugmug.com/photos/professional-photo-hosting-sell-photos/, and these help pages will provide more details.
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