Cards with bayphoto?

I see ezprints has an option for the card pricing... but i would like to have the assurance of correct color correction with ezprints... do they not support cards? does that mean if a customer wants cards there is no way I can have bayphoto as my photolab? :dunno
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Canon Rebel T1i | Canon 50mm 1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 | Canon 75-300mm EF f 4.5 III | Opteka Grip | Canon 580exII | 2 Vivitar 383 Flash's and a home studio setup.
Sorry. And the color correction is awesome
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I understand that EZPrints and Bay Photo offer different products - makes perfect sense. What I don't understand, however, if why Pros can't offer EZPrints and Bay Photo products from the same gallery.
Often times, I want to offer my clients prints and products from both vendors... but it's not possible. For example, if I want to offer Metal Prints from Bay Photo, and Framed Prints from EZPrints, I have to create two seperate galleries for my clients. This makes little sense to me, and even less sense to my clients.
Anyway, I'm hoping this will change someday. I just added this to Uservoice - I hope it will get some votes!
Matt Dudley Photography
Nashville child photographer
Twitter: @mattdudleyphoto
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Maybe someday. :cry
Matt Dudley Photography
Nashville child photographer
Twitter: @mattdudleyphoto
Good to hear that about EZPrints' color correction for cards.
One follow up question: if I've already color corrected my images, I expect there will be some color change in the card image. But am I correct in thinking this might not be a big change or a big deal, considering it's a card and not a custom print?