From the Garage

Just a few shots from my garage this weekend

Scooba Steve
Shades of Hyperion photography
Extraordinary photos can not be had standing where everyone else is standing, looking where everyone else is looking
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
it's a manual chain hoist
Shades of Hyperion photography
Extraordinary photos can not be had standing where everyone else is standing, looking where everyone else is looking
My apartment is a converted barn and the garage is a leftover from when the barn was used as a lawn mower repair shop. I haven't had an opportunity to use it to pull a motor yet (although I thought for a minute I was going to need to use it on my Blazer) right now I use it to hold up a 70lb boxing heavy bag (punching bag).
Shades of Hyperion photography
Extraordinary photos can not be had standing where everyone else is standing, looking where everyone else is looking
Wow..I bet your apartment is really neat looking. I've seen a few barns converted into houses. Good place to hold your boxing bag