I like the first one -- peeling paint is something I like to see photographed. So much texture.
I like that you got down to ground level with your 2nd photo -- again I hope you weren't in the street I'm going to have to buy you an orange vest if you keep playing so close to the street Maybe it would of been better without the building in the photo. Reason I say that is I keep looking at it with interest. It looks like its sitting up off the ground.
Nice work. A suggestion for #1 might be to bump up the saturation just a touch. #2 looks like a railway platform. I love the limited DOF.
Actually for number 1 i took some of the color out because that's the look i was going for. I couldn't decide which way to go to either up the saturation or take some color out but that's what i went for. I'm getting ready to post one that i saturated some more. And your right number to is a railroad platform to the right are the tracks.Thanks for your suggestions and imput
I like the first one -- peeling paint is something I like to see photographed. So much texture.
I like that you got down to ground level with your 2nd photo -- again I hope you weren't in the street I'm going to have to buy you an orange vest if you keep playing so close to the street Maybe it would of been better without the building in the photo. Reason I say that is I keep looking at it with interest. It looks like its sitting up off the ground.
I like that you got down to ground level with your 2nd photo -- again I hope you weren't in the street
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Actually for number 1 i took some of the color out because that's the look i was going for. I couldn't decide which way to go to either up the saturation or take some color out but that's what i went for. I'm getting ready to post one that i saturated some more. And your right number to is a railroad platform to the right are the tracks.Thanks for your suggestions and imput
Yes i was playing in the street sorry!