print size of smugvault images too small??
it seems my .tif uploads that are usually approximately 15mb are showing as 'too small to print' in most of the larger (> 8x10 ) sizes? to look at file info the image is shown to only be, in one case, 268kb on a 14mb tif file. what am I doing wrong? I'd like to be able to print, and have available for purchase, these tif images in the larger sizes. any ideas? thanks all.
Got a link?
We don't print from Tiffs in SmugVault. Only from your JPGs in the gallery.
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I guess that's the issue then. The rendered jpg of my smugvaulted image is too small. Is there a way to change that?
I'll try to get a link when I can slow down.
Not to my knowledge. TIFF isn't a supported file format at SmugMug, meaning for upload display and print. If you tack on a SmugVault subscription you can upload any other file, but only for storage. The rendered JPEGs is meant to be a graphical representation of your file, more pleasing to the eye and easier to organize, than a generic TIFF icon.
Get a SmugVault, upload high quality JPEGs aswell as TIFFs to the same gallery, JPEGs will be viewable and printable by you and your viewers/customers, TIFFs will be viewable and retrievable by you.
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As Malte noted above, if you want to print you need to upload high quality jpg images.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
IIRC, David answered you last night from our help desk - if I'm wrong, let me know, ok? Thanks!
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