Keyword gallery showing no pictures when logged out

I'm still learning keywords and I have keyworded all photos in this gallery: with the word public. The gallery is not password protected, it's public and external links are on. I can view these pictures as a keyword gallery ( fine when logged in but when I log out they disappear. :dunno:cry
I can't remember if I ever tried logging out before so I can't say when this started.
I can't remember if I ever tried logging out before so I can't say when this started.
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I'm a noob when it comes to SmugIslands... :confused
Under "Hello world!" and "Hello smuggers!" in gallery settings I have "Use site-wide setting" ticked, and the other option is "No", which I guess could mean either "No, don't use site-wide settings" or "No, don't allow Hello world! / Hello smuggers!.
My site-wide setting is set to "No" for "Hello world!" and to "No - Total lockdown" for "Hello smuggers!". I would've liked to see a "Yes" option in gallery settings. Otherwise, the way I interpret this, I'd have to make the site-wide option more open and restrict the option for all other galleries but this one.
Am I getting this?
Do you know which setting is required?
It is confusing but what it is saying is No, do not show my photos to Google or other Smuggers.
The Use site settings is there because if set, the galleries inherit the site settings. So even if you have the gallery set to yes the site setting set to no would override it.
Now, for the original issue, I am pretty sure I bugged that last night. Someone else had reported it. I am not sure why it is happening but it is weird.
Sorry for confusing things further Doc, I made it private when I thought SmugIslands would work in its stead. I have tested with the gallery public, no worky. BTW, unlisted is biggest PITA.
Would this mean SmugIslands don't have to be changed?
You had it all along, John! Hello smuggers needed to be set to "No - make me an island" instead of "No - Total lockdown".
The more I think about this, the more it grinds my gears. :smo Why not? The description of public in the gallery settings is "Show this gallery on your homepage?" The help says if unlisted, a gallery can still be shared with a direct link. So the gallery is hidden, not protected. Why are the keywords protected?
Your situation can be solved by making it public and using a script to remove it's thumbnail from the homepage. Then, because it's public, keywords can be used.
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I hear what you're saying, if you keyword photos specifically enough, Google would find them. But for everyday use I'd say they're still pretty darned obscure. Easier to find than URL-guessing, but if I tag a photo "dog" "jump" "fence" it would still be a needle in a haystack to hit my particular photo from Google. It seems to me the use of unlisted would have had to have changed alot since it was difined as don't show on homepage.
If you want it indexed, but don't want it displayed in your browsable homepage, there are ways to do that by making it public, but then hiding it from the homepage browsing. Then, it can be indexed. It is a bit less hidden at that point, but that sounds like what you want.
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