The secret SmugMug URL's !!

I'm new to the SmugMug family (okay, I'll call it SM from here ;-) but I'm a retired Internet guru. So, I want to get the most out of SM and it's integration to my blog.
I am not going to post the ultimate list here, like I said, I'm a newbie, but I sure hope others will reply with the URL's they found!
I'll list active URL's from my site so I can copy&paste without making errors. I found that this forum shortens the URL's displayed so hover your mouse over them to see them in the browser status bar, or select them to get the full URL in the address bar.
that's my vanilla standard el cheapo SM account
I think many found this but it's nowhere on the home page nor in the manual. It shows all keywords, not just the top-whatever.
shows all photo's that have the keyword "kuna" in a "keyword virtual gallery". Stuff is missing but I understand SM is working on that.
like previous but now they most have both "kuna" and "achutupu" keywords. You can add many more this way to filter down to what you need.
This is a standard link to a single photo. This is in the manual, you can change the last character "M", which stands for Medium, to something else, like an "S" for small or even "300x300" for that size without loosing the aspect ratio. But the manual is not very clear about this, like how to create an image that's exactly 300 pix wide, regardless of it's height. By experimenting I found that you just specify a way too high number for height, something like this:
and now the image is exactly 300 pix wide.
That one is a mystery (note the "-1" after the "M"). I think this is because I have that image uploaded twice! When I delete the "-1" it works too but I didn't experiment any further here (change one of the photo's without changing the name and see if you get the two different ones or the same one).
sends you to the gallery with the same photo selected as the previous link. Here's that "1" again! The strange thing is that when I change that into let's say a "6", it still works:
I can even change it with a long word like "mugmeyousmugmug" and it still works:
But I can't get rid of it...
Also, there's no way to select the size of the selected photo, nor did I find a way to specify the style. But if I just want to open the gallery with the first photo, I can use this easy URL:
That's part of the nice-URL feature I think.
This is the same link but with a suffix of "-A-LB" added to it. This opens the light-box. I have been trying very hard to specify additional options here, like size of the image, details on/off etc. but none seem to have effect and some constructions break the URL. I find the "-A-LB" curious because I would have expected something like "-ALB" or just "-LB".
About the "share" window with tabs. It's obviously broken. When you look at photo-links, you get the selected photo thumbnail and can even change the photo there. But that part is missing in the gallery links even though the generated URL's specify the selected image. There's no choice to get the short URL for the first photo, they all incl. the selected photo. It would only be logical to have the same photo-select mechanism in the gallery-links tab.
The funny thing is that this selector does show up in the embeddable links tab again. All choices there incl. the selected photo, no option for just the gallery with first photo as a short URL. This tab needs more and I'll spend another post on that in the correct forum.
I didn't play much with the feed-links tab but that one looks all-right to me.
So, who found more URL's or who has more idea's/wishes for options in URL's?
Edit: my blog is at and most photo's come from SM now. I needed that fixed width for the thumbnails in the left column. Look a bit down at the one for "2007#1 Curacao": the white space above and below it is the same as for all the others and it's perfectly aligned and 150 pix wide.
I'm new to the SmugMug family (okay, I'll call it SM from here ;-) but I'm a retired Internet guru. So, I want to get the most out of SM and it's integration to my blog.
I am not going to post the ultimate list here, like I said, I'm a newbie, but I sure hope others will reply with the URL's they found!
I'll list active URL's from my site so I can copy&paste without making errors. I found that this forum shortens the URL's displayed so hover your mouse over them to see them in the browser status bar, or select them to get the full URL in the address bar.
that's my vanilla standard el cheapo SM account
I think many found this but it's nowhere on the home page nor in the manual. It shows all keywords, not just the top-whatever.
shows all photo's that have the keyword "kuna" in a "keyword virtual gallery". Stuff is missing but I understand SM is working on that.
like previous but now they most have both "kuna" and "achutupu" keywords. You can add many more this way to filter down to what you need.
This is a standard link to a single photo. This is in the manual, you can change the last character "M", which stands for Medium, to something else, like an "S" for small or even "300x300" for that size without loosing the aspect ratio. But the manual is not very clear about this, like how to create an image that's exactly 300 pix wide, regardless of it's height. By experimenting I found that you just specify a way too high number for height, something like this:
and now the image is exactly 300 pix wide.
That one is a mystery (note the "-1" after the "M"). I think this is because I have that image uploaded twice! When I delete the "-1" it works too but I didn't experiment any further here (change one of the photo's without changing the name and see if you get the two different ones or the same one).
sends you to the gallery with the same photo selected as the previous link. Here's that "1" again! The strange thing is that when I change that into let's say a "6", it still works:
I can even change it with a long word like "mugmeyousmugmug" and it still works:
But I can't get rid of it...
Also, there's no way to select the size of the selected photo, nor did I find a way to specify the style. But if I just want to open the gallery with the first photo, I can use this easy URL:
That's part of the nice-URL feature I think.
This is the same link but with a suffix of "-A-LB" added to it. This opens the light-box. I have been trying very hard to specify additional options here, like size of the image, details on/off etc. but none seem to have effect and some constructions break the URL. I find the "-A-LB" curious because I would have expected something like "-ALB" or just "-LB".
About the "share" window with tabs. It's obviously broken. When you look at photo-links, you get the selected photo thumbnail and can even change the photo there. But that part is missing in the gallery links even though the generated URL's specify the selected image. There's no choice to get the short URL for the first photo, they all incl. the selected photo. It would only be logical to have the same photo-select mechanism in the gallery-links tab.
The funny thing is that this selector does show up in the embeddable links tab again. All choices there incl. the selected photo, no option for just the gallery with first photo as a short URL. This tab needs more and I'll spend another post on that in the correct forum.
I didn't play much with the feed-links tab but that one looks all-right to me.
So, who found more URL's or who has more idea's/wishes for options in URL's?
Edit: my blog is at and most photo's come from SM now. I needed that fixed width for the thumbnails in the left column. Look a bit down at the one for "2007#1 Curacao": the white space above and below it is the same as for all the others and it's perfectly aligned and 150 pix wide.
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Ah! But it's hyperlink capability is invisible, it looks just like the "Top 50" part in front and all other non-clickable section-headers, which I tried to click ;-)
I would suggest to make it look like a button so everybody can find it.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
Great find! I just dunno why I didn't find that immediately... brain power must be diminishing ;-(
So, all we would want as extra here, is a toggle for the details.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
This one was a gem for me: I didn't know you could do that.
On my wanted list is the forced viewing style gallery URL that I've heard of. Maybe there's even one for theme?
Sorry I don't have any to add!
As long as the gallery number is at the end, it mostly doesn't matter what comes between the domain and the gallery number. The hash value after the # sign is a reference to a specific photo in that gallery. Depending upon the view you are displaying and what page in that view you were on, you might or might not get the /1/ in the path. If there's a hash value to take you to a specific image, I think the page value is ignored.
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Hi John,
That's what I thought too but then I tried this one:
and I get the same pic again and there sure are no 6 versions of it! I sure hope we get rid of this with the virtual galleries / links-to-files.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
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What if the gallery style is set to viewer controlled, is it still dangerous?
I agree, the only danger is programming error. A simple suffix much like the light box one could control that and it can be ignored when the style is different than "viewer controlled".
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
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I think these actions with properly documented requests will work better than arguing over them here... one of their sorcerers must look at it and comment for technical and security comments (I was at the other end once ;-)
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
Hi John, I'm sorry that it's not making sense to you. We removed the ability to do template changing via url a while ago.
I'm very sorry.
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The users can find the first link by clicking on the keyword beneath a photo, and can find the second link by clicking on a "combine with" keyword.
The old format for the "combine with" keywords used to be
This should still work (in order to avoid breaking old URLs).
It does, it re-directs to the new style with forward slashes. I found this by clicking on the keywords like you explain. But I also found questions from members who did not know this and they were not answered, or wrongly answered or incompletely answered. This stuff needs to be added to the wiki and only newbies like me, who don't know these details yet, can find that this info is missing. Problem is that most newbies aren't a geek who can find out, so they never know. I'm just trying to solve that because SM is already saving me a lot of time getting my photo library under control ;-)
I also understand the security issues that Andy is referring to. It is about internal system stability, not about unauthorized display-style of photo's on the user-side. But the taken course of action by eliminating the control from the URL, is what guys like me call safety by obscurity and only effective as a temporary measure. In the end, robust code in the URL parser that allows what the users need but nothing more, is the solution. That takes effort and time.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
It gets a random image from the specified album.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
I just found that this feature request is already logged and voted on, so I added 3 votes. This is the direct link:
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
Cool, how does it do that? What part of the string do I put in my URL?
Edit: Got it now, didn't see the truncated link.