The Alien

We had an alien come visit yesterday.

He seemed friendly enough.

Quite relaxed, really.

A very cooperative model, all in all.

Seemed curious.

One last closeup, then off to the garden for him.

All shots taken with the Canon 5DMKII, hand-held, Canon 100 F2.8 Macro, 2 extension tubes for a total of 56mm, 580EXII flash on camera, and home-made "foamy" flash reflector.
Thanks for looking'. :thumb

He seemed friendly enough.

Quite relaxed, really.

A very cooperative model, all in all.

Seemed curious.

One last closeup, then off to the garden for him.

All shots taken with the Canon 5DMKII, hand-held, Canon 100 F2.8 Macro, 2 extension tubes for a total of 56mm, 580EXII flash on camera, and home-made "foamy" flash reflector.
Thanks for looking'. :thumb
Do you have the IS version of the 100 mm or the non-IS version?
What do those extension tubes buy you with a shot like this?
I have been looking at the Canon 100 mm 2.8?
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This is the old, inexpensive, non-IS version of the 100 F2.8 Macro.
Extension tubes allow you to get a closer focus distance. Closer focus = higher magnification.
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Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
WOWSER< really great detailed shots, Looks like he was enjoying the attention and having his/her picture taken.
Very nicely done, great series of images.
I think my favorite is the "Quite Relaxed" image:D:D:D
Burleson, Texas
We don't have those here in least I've never seen one.
Can you feel the strength in its forelimbs when it is on your finger?
Well, with shots like these (hand held) looks like one might not need the more expensive IS version.
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Thanks, Eia!
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Thank you, Ron!
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Thanks, Craig! I'm glad you liked them. It was fun and surprisingly easy to do too. Too bad it's practically winter or I might be tempted to go out and find some more bugs to shoot. Nah. :nah <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
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Thanks, Gary. Yep, inquisitive, friendly, what more could you ask from a bug?
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Thanks, Mary Kim! He does have a rather expressive face, doesn't he?
I'm pretty sure I've seen a mantis in Canada, so I don't see what they'd also be found in North Dakota. But... they're pretty rare in general. I've only seen a few in my life.
I did some googling around and here's a picture of a praying mantis who caught and is eating a humming bird!
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Oddy, no! He is very gentle when he's just walking around. BTW, those fingers in the shot belong to my 8 y/o daughter!
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Not if you're using a flash as the main light source, no. But for ambient light, I think it would be very useful. All in all, I'm pretty impressed how well lens did for me. Pretty much all of my shots came out great, which has got to be a first for me.
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True story! This is the first significant project I've ever done with with macro. Kinda fun.
Thanks, Randy.
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Oh my goodness -- eating a humming bird. I don't want to see one in ND now
I'll have to keep a look-out for them...if Canada has them we should too I would think.