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I'm pretty frustrated right now & am hoping that someone may have answers or can point me in the right direction...
(1) I took approximately 500 photos over the past few weeks and after attempting to load them on my site four times, I've thrown in the towel. For some reason, only about 25% of each gallery loads properly. I've tried 3 seperate galleries, restarted my pc twice and waited over a series of days to see if the remaining photos loaded - NOTHING!!!! All photos were taken with my 7D, converted from RAW to jpeg in Canon Zoombrowser and minor adjustments in CS4.
(2) Exif information not dispalying correctly. Andy responded stating that SM reads the data the way Canon records it. I'd like to accept this but I've found other Rebel XSi and 7D shots taken in AV that display exif correctly (see below). I shoot in aperture priority about 95% of the time. My photos show "auto" as the Program & Exposure modes. I used a friends 40D to shoot a HS football game in aperture priority and the exif data shows correctly.
(1) I took approximately 500 photos over the past few weeks and after attempting to load them on my site four times, I've thrown in the towel. For some reason, only about 25% of each gallery loads properly. I've tried 3 seperate galleries, restarted my pc twice and waited over a series of days to see if the remaining photos loaded - NOTHING!!!! All photos were taken with my 7D, converted from RAW to jpeg in Canon Zoombrowser and minor adjustments in CS4.
(2) Exif information not dispalying correctly. Andy responded stating that SM reads the data the way Canon records it. I'd like to accept this but I've found other Rebel XSi and 7D shots taken in AV that display exif correctly (see below). I shoot in aperture priority about 95% of the time. My photos show "auto" as the Program & Exposure modes. I used a friends 40D to shoot a HS football game in aperture priority and the exif data shows correctly.
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As John stated, you are uploading photos greater than 12Mb in size.
Power and pro customers can upload 12Mb photos or smaller. Pros, 24mb or smaller.
I shoot Canon 1Ds Mark III and Canon 5D, both are 21Megapixel cameras. My uploaded JPGs are routinely under 8Mb. So, when you save them from CS4, save as, and choose JPG 10. This will keep them under 12Mb.
We're checking on the 7D exif display.
Holler with more questions.
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Thanks for the feedback and great info as well. I didn't know that there was a size limit per file. Going forward, this is good to know. The only downfall is that I now have to go through each photo individually to save as a smaller file (but at least I know what the issue is). Thanks again for looking into the exif data issue. My attempt is not to be a prick about it, but as a Rookie shooter, I use other photographer's exif data as both a refrence and learning tool.
As always, your feedback/direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the quick response!
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There are four photos from the Annapolis gallery that still won't load. I scaled the quality back to 10, 8 & 5 as directed above & each still exceeds the 12mb maximum. Any other suggestions? Thanks
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Nobody on the planet, nor any printer, will know the difference between JPG 12 and 11.
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Any update on the exif data? Found another Canon APS-C shot in Aperture Priority where exif shows correctly. Both my XSi & 7D show "auto" - Thanks...
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