Nice capture! Apparently great minds think alike. I have almost the identical composition of this shot here in black and white But... what happened to that tall light pole in the background? Bad storm or PS??
Nice capture! Apparently great minds think alike. I have almost the identical composition of this shot here in black and white But... what happened to that tall light pole in the background? Bad storm or PS??
Morning Jack,
:D:D Great shot really love the sharp and crisp details!!
Had to remove the light pole, just kept seeing that every time I opened
the image up.
Nice capture!
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Morning Jack,
Had to remove the light pole, just kept seeing that every time I opened
the image up.
Burleson, Texas
And your IR really brought out all that great detail.
Thanks very much, I had the mod done by LifePixel back in 2006, and have been very pleased with their work.
Jim Chen is also doing some very good mods and has a good reputation also.
Burleson, Texas
Morning Randy,
Thanks very much, appreciate it.
Would love to go back for more shots, it was just such a rich and beautiful place.
Burleson, Texas