My first post here

I'm really starting to get interested in portrait photography. Been reading a lot lately on lighting. Unfortunately though, I only have my SB-600 speedlight and no dedicated room or anything to shoot in. My wife was willing to model for me so I gave it a go with just the one light and took some shots in the living room and bedroom. She actually had a great time which surprised me.
I would really love some real honest feedback on these. Like I said, I am a total noob but I did try to apply at least some principles that I've read so far. We struggled with posing but we had fun with it and I think some came out pretty good. Unfortunately, my wife is a little hesitant with me posting any pics of her nude so I can only post a few. Some of these are crops of larger versions that show her breasts and so for. I'm kind of bumbed because the nudes actually were some of the best shots.
Well, enough talk... here's the pics. Like I said, I am really hoping to get some feedback as I really am interesting in improving.

I would really love some real honest feedback on these. Like I said, I am a total noob but I did try to apply at least some principles that I've read so far. We struggled with posing but we had fun with it and I think some came out pretty good. Unfortunately, my wife is a little hesitant with me posting any pics of her nude so I can only post a few. Some of these are crops of larger versions that show her breasts and so for. I'm kind of bumbed because the nudes actually were some of the best shots.
Well, enough talk... here's the pics. Like I said, I am really hoping to get some feedback as I really am interesting in improving.

"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I have a feeling you overdid her skin though, looks a bit plastiky, but maybe that's a downres effect...
Of course, the quality of the light source(s) is *the* number one requirement in the studio portraiture. Lighting also comes as the most expensive "item" gear-wise and the most complicated learning-wise. So if you are really planning to pursue studio portraiture I suggest to plan accordingly - and start $aving:-)
Thanks for your feedback. After I posted this and taking a break, I reeavulated my post work and you're right, I was a bit heavy handed. I started from scratch again on this image so I hope this is an improvement.
I've been researching some lighting equipment and am cosidering a 3 point light setup. I am thinking of going with a couple continuous lights, a couple umbrellas, and a background stand. I would use my speedlight as the 3rd light in this setup. Is this a good start?
There are tons of manufacturers so I am a bit confused as to which to go with so any help here would be appreciated. I am also confused as to what wattage to go with... is more better since I am then not limited to amount of light and can always make adjustments for less light?
Hope asking these questions here is OK? If not, please direct me to the proper forum.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Answer is here: