WINNERS of Mini-Challenge #85!!!

I knew it wouldn't be easy! But THIS hard? I had no idea!!:huh:D
Every entry told a story, as much about the photographer as about the subject, so all were fascinating and appealing!
What to do? :dunno
Well, I went back to these words in the challenge notes:
It's about those photos which capture a moment of achievement, a moment of completion, of satisfaction, of triumph, of fulfillment - a moment which could only have happened as a result of the combined input of two people!
It could be a moment in situations romantic, nurturing, or supporting. In sport or art performance or play. At home, at work, in everyday life, on the street, in crisis, having fun, by chance. It could be a small moment or a big moment, but it must be a significant moment for both people.
I made a checklist as follows:
a) a captured moment, that is caught, spontaneous and unposed
b) a shared activity
c) a shared emotion, between the subjects, and the viewer, that is expressionful faces
d) image processing and quality, since all of us here are interested in that
e) overall impact
I scored each entry out of 5 for each item on this checklist. This gave me a top ten, all so close I still could not get clear placegetters!
Finally, I put a finger on my pulse and a hand on my stomach, and did the excitement and gut reaction test on each of the top ten!!:D:ivar
This got me nicely all "tied" up and as close to naming clear winners as this human could possibly get, and as you can see I got in all my top ten - cunning, eh?!
Here, ladies and gentlemen, are the results:
HONORABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
JAG - Best friends sharing secrets

lilmomma - It takes two to create a new life

nightpixels - Hot couple

photo-bug - Priceless help

beebo - Father and Son

ic4u - Achieve

Patti - Police Reunion Tour

rteest42 - Going home

FIRST PLACE (tied): :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
adbsgicom - Joyously in the Lead
A very successful interpretation of the challenge theme. Freshness, action, fun and excitement jump out of your image! The expressions on the faces of the two girls just stay in one's mind, we are right in it with them! Your candid, natural looking image possesses high photographic qualities - excellent framing and composition, exposure and color, focus and DOF. Because of the casualness and spontaneity of the shot, the impact it has, we don't notice these qualities at first, but they are there and round out our viewing satisfaction! Thank you and congratulations!

lizzard_nyc - Dancers
You entered a very nice set, and I loved this one from the start! The involvement and pleasure of these two women in their preparation for the parade are very affecting. The expressions on their faces are movingly beautiful. The connection between these women, helping each other, sharing the moment, the excitement, involves us in their emotions, the importance of the occasion to them. Your processing style adds to the emotions in the image, giving the moment a feeling of drama and impact. A subtle but powerful interpretation of the theme. Thanks and congratulations!

So, Liz and Andrew, I hand over the baton to you both. Mini-Challenge #86 is in your hands!
To everyone who participated in #85, entrants and viewers, my sincere thanks for the pleasure and the challenge it was to me!:thumb:thumb:thumb
See ya round!
Every entry told a story, as much about the photographer as about the subject, so all were fascinating and appealing!
What to do? :dunno
Well, I went back to these words in the challenge notes:
It's about those photos which capture a moment of achievement, a moment of completion, of satisfaction, of triumph, of fulfillment - a moment which could only have happened as a result of the combined input of two people!
It could be a moment in situations romantic, nurturing, or supporting. In sport or art performance or play. At home, at work, in everyday life, on the street, in crisis, having fun, by chance. It could be a small moment or a big moment, but it must be a significant moment for both people.
I made a checklist as follows:
a) a captured moment, that is caught, spontaneous and unposed
b) a shared activity
c) a shared emotion, between the subjects, and the viewer, that is expressionful faces
d) image processing and quality, since all of us here are interested in that
e) overall impact
I scored each entry out of 5 for each item on this checklist. This gave me a top ten, all so close I still could not get clear placegetters!
Finally, I put a finger on my pulse and a hand on my stomach, and did the excitement and gut reaction test on each of the top ten!!:D:ivar
This got me nicely all "tied" up and as close to naming clear winners as this human could possibly get, and as you can see I got in all my top ten - cunning, eh?!
Here, ladies and gentlemen, are the results:
HONORABLE MENTIONS (in alphabetical order):
JAG - Best friends sharing secrets

lilmomma - It takes two to create a new life

nightpixels - Hot couple

photo-bug - Priceless help

beebo - Father and Son

ic4u - Achieve

Patti - Police Reunion Tour

rteest42 - Going home

FIRST PLACE (tied): :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
adbsgicom - Joyously in the Lead
A very successful interpretation of the challenge theme. Freshness, action, fun and excitement jump out of your image! The expressions on the faces of the two girls just stay in one's mind, we are right in it with them! Your candid, natural looking image possesses high photographic qualities - excellent framing and composition, exposure and color, focus and DOF. Because of the casualness and spontaneity of the shot, the impact it has, we don't notice these qualities at first, but they are there and round out our viewing satisfaction! Thank you and congratulations!

lizzard_nyc - Dancers
You entered a very nice set, and I loved this one from the start! The involvement and pleasure of these two women in their preparation for the parade are very affecting. The expressions on their faces are movingly beautiful. The connection between these women, helping each other, sharing the moment, the excitement, involves us in their emotions, the importance of the occasion to them. Your processing style adds to the emotions in the image, giving the moment a feeling of drama and impact. A subtle but powerful interpretation of the theme. Thanks and congratulations!

So, Liz and Andrew, I hand over the baton to you both. Mini-Challenge #86 is in your hands!
To everyone who participated in #85, entrants and viewers, my sincere thanks for the pleasure and the challenge it was to me!:thumb:thumb:thumb
See ya round!
"Snow. Ice. Slow!" "Half-winter. Half-moon. Half-asleep!"
Congrates to all mentions and to Liz and Andrew for their wins!
Thank you for adding me into your mentions list Neil!
yeah i was wondering how that would work. Do you think a co-op between the two be done via PM?
I dont think its a matter of PM'g, its a matter of whats going to be the next theme?, everyone wants to win so they can come up with something original of their own...
as it is, neither can do that...
obviously this is what NeilL wants...
so this is the way it will be....
(who's with me on that?)
I'll PM Liz to see what she wants to do here. Is there a list of past categories since I'm pretty new to the forums and I don't know what all has been done over the past year or so. No need to redo a category....
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I'm with you on both counts.
NielL should have picked one winner, but the judge gets to do what they want.
Anyways, Congrats to the upper echelon of photos.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Andrew, the sticky for the Mini-Challenges on the Dgrin Challenges page has the list of past challenge topics.
I have already PM'd Andrew and we will work on this together. I'm looking forward to it an I like that we are doing this in tandem--I'm new, he's not been around all that long either, so I think we will lean a little on each other.
Neil I want to thank you for choosing my shot but also because you did a bang up job with the comments and encouragment on this round. There were so many wonderful entries--really I don't know how you managed to pick.
I'm now off to go read the mini challenge rules and brainstorm--
In that special spirit of relaxed and friendly competition, fun and sharing here in the Minis, let's not become too uptight about a convention which has been bent, it might not be too important.
One other reason I personally like the Minis is that they provide an opportunity for the achievements of the lower-flying dGrinners to get exposure and perhaps recognition, without there being too much red tape tying things up. I like them because they are welcoming of a wide range of talents and levels, and I like to see the more entrants the better getting a mention and possibly a place in them.
That has been my philosophy in hosting this round, and I believe it is in the spirit of the original starter of the Minis.
There is a final, and very good reason, for there being two 1st place getters in this round, and that is that the theme was "It takes two!" OK!
I relish the power of two to come in round #86!
Best to you all!
Although you explained your reasoning very eloquently, and although the theme was "It takes two"
it comes down to making a decision between one or the other. You didn't.
Once again, your decision is final, and like you say, the world will keep turning.
I hope the folks running the next one don't have the same problem and we have 4 people running the one after this.
Here's looking to a Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, World Series, NBA finals, World Cup that end up tied.
Final Four, close enough.
Imagine McCain and Obama sharing that big chair in the oval office .
Once again, Congrats to the winners.
Please don't let my little remarks here take anything away from your fine images.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Neil, thank you for including my photo. Much appreciated.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Can't wait to see what the two of you come up with for the next mini!
Thanks Neil for such a great topic, it really brought out some wonderful entries! Glad you liked my Achieve shot:D
I admired how you acknowledged and commented on all of the entries as they came in!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I totally understand this - such fantastic entries here!!!
- I cannot believe how one of my entries made it to the Honorable Mentions list :ivar
Thank you and congratulations to all ...... Facebook
Lol, I guess I need to start checking these threads more often...
I am a new contestant, although I have been a member of Dgrin for a while, and will say I see no reason why TWO can't win first here...why not?
Especially as you said, the challenge was "it takes TWO!!!"
Thanks Neil... (and I already have some ideas for #86!!! This i fun. I like that my brain is being forced to think a bit.... )