Auto keywords from file names - not desired

denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,419 moderator
edited November 21, 2009 in SmugMug Support
Please tell me there is something coming for the auto-generation of keywords from file names. Recent changes to keywords has made this worse.

I've been using file names composed of 3 pieces - year/month, an underscore, camera id, an underscore, and a sequential number.

I'll give you an example using a photo I shot today with my S90. The file name was 200911_S90_0200L.jpg. The uploaded photo was given the keywords 200911, S90, 0200L.

I don't want any of these keywords - I'll add my own, thanks.

It's painful to have to remove the keywords, especially when uploading more than a few photos. Yes, I know, if I renamed my photos using (real) words then the keywords might make sense. But renaming the photos does not help me from an organizational standpoing.

I think I've seen hints of allowing us to specify that we don't want the file names to generate keywords. Am I imagining things? Or is change in the air.

Please help!

--- Denise


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