Recent Photos box needs to stop including adjustments & only include uploads

I want to call this a bug, because it bugs me & lots of people! :cry But I imagine it's simply the way the RecentPhotos box was implemented, rather than an actual bug, that is the culprit. I'm pretty sure this has been noted, but it's gone on too long already. The RecentPhotos box shows way too many changes, copies, crops, etc. that I do to my existing photos, instead of only showing actual uploads. I find this to make it a much less useful feature than it could be without this glitch. I do a lot of online work to my photos, and I don't need my guests to see all that & wonder why a 5 yr. old photo that they've seen here before is suddenly "recent". Not only that, they see it in every incarnation, such as crops... not real cool imho.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
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I agree completely because what youre reqesting is how I thought it was working now. I'd like to take it even further though, by adding selectable conditions to the pictures used in the new homepage layout modules. This could be such a condition, "Only recent uploads". In the homepage slideshow module, I'd like to be able to apply conditions to the selected source. If I have selected a gallery as source I'd like to be able to add a "Only with keyword" or "Only recent" condition/s.
Tell me what you think!
I don't want the recent photos on my homepage but to link to a page on the header. I'm still using the old recent photo trick but it's javascript and it has its own limitations.
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Thanks Allen. Unfortunately, that requires input from the visitors. The javascript trick automatically shows the recent photos.