cheap starter flash and comments about flash ring ???

I need a cheap starter flash for my Canon XSi. I am shooting my sisters coworkers wedding in about 2 weeks and want a flash just in case. She did not have the budget for a photographer so this is a free shoot other than dinner to build my portfolio. I found this on amazon but not sure about it. I know that I love doing flower photos so macro is something I do.
Any flash ideas would be great as well as comments about the below flash.
Any flash ideas would be great as well as comments about the below flash.
What you can do is rent a flash from I suggest getting the 580EX II, because it has to most output. And for $40 for a week that aint bad. And if you're a smugmug member you get a nice little discount! (Head to the clubsmug section on your smugmug control panel for the discount code)
The link is for macro only. I'd be getting a different one for the wedding. I had 2 questions...sry for the confusion. I will stay away from it then. It was only $8 anyway on sale.
Canon XSi
Ahhh... ok I understand now. Still, I wouldn't use that for macro work. I mean, you could try it, but I don't think you would receive anything with real quality. But for $8 why not.
What one were you thinking about for the wedding? I still suggest the 580EXII for the wedding though. And I would get that or the 580EX as your decent flash for Christmas. I loved mine, it was amazing (I switched to Nikon).
Its an expensive flash, but it will work for pretty much every application you can think of. And if you get an off camera flash cable/wireless triggers you could use it for your macro photography and even studio work if you ever chose to go that route..
I use them for events and weddings, as well as other applications, and they have worked well for me.
Here is a link to a good supplier:
Whatever you get, also either purchase or DIY a flash modifier.
You can create your own light modifiers (DIY). A couple that I can recommend are:
Joe Demb also makes an interesting device for sale (reasonable):
I own a FlipIt product and it works well and is very well made.
A site showing various modifiers in use:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
You cannot look at the cost of renting or buying as a plague to your bank account.....this is an investment in your future vocation.......and so that you are not disappointed at X-Mas with the gifted flash.....drop hard hints that the gift needs to be as good as the Sigma Flashes that Ziggy recommends.
In my opinon 2 things that should never be skimped on is the FLASH and the can produce great images with a low end body.......I shot many a wedding wtih a 40$ body and a $400 lens and $250flash......and the pix got a tone better when I spent $130 on a flash bracket and move that flash up and away from the hotshoe..............
Modifiers are a must for softlighting also.....if you're crafty then following Ziggy's links for the DIY ones can save money......I personally use Lumiquest .....but I is not crafty to be making my own........and I am looking at geting a couple that Joe McNally recommends in HotShoe Diaries.....................
Canon XSi
Congratulations on the new flash.
Feel free to use the flash outdoors as well, to fill in the shadows from strong sunlight. A flash used this way is called a fill light, and normally the FEC would be adjusted to -1 to -2 to prevent the flash from contributing too much to the image. The concept is to just lighten the shadows and reduce contrast, generally improving the image.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Thanks!!!!! I was not sure how to get better outside shots. I will do that from now on. Yesterday was my first wedding and as said in first message it was for a friend of my sisters. I am glad to have gotten a chance to test out shooting weddings. The bride was more concerned about my portfolio photos than for her own photos. I just want to
Canon XSi
Ziggy do you know if this will work on the 50d with the latest TTL system?
Surely it will. I do it all the time.
Try it, you'll like it.
Edit: I should qualify that as I don't have a 50D, but I do use a 40D and 5D MKII and everything I said should apply to you and the 50D as well.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums