Featured photo on category but not gallery

Hi - I searched for the answer a few different ways, so I apologize in advance if it's out there and I didn't see it.
This has been a periodic problem -- I have images set to 'feature' and often one does not show up in the Gallery section, but will show up in the Category section - for example: The image I set for the Water gallery does not show on FF (also checked it in Flock, fyi) http://marnartsphotography.com/Nature but it does show on the previous page (Category) view: http://marnartsphotography.com/ (Scroll to Categories).
Anyone know why this would happen?
Thank you!
This has been a periodic problem -- I have images set to 'feature' and often one does not show up in the Gallery section, but will show up in the Category section - for example: The image I set for the Water gallery does not show on FF (also checked it in Flock, fyi) http://marnartsphotography.com/Nature but it does show on the previous page (Category) view: http://marnartsphotography.com/ (Scroll to Categories).
Anyone know why this would happen?
Thank you!
Hmm, I'm seeing the photo just fine an both pages, in two different browsers. Maybe you could clear your browser cache and take another look?
SmugMug Support Hero
I believe the featured image for a category or subcategory defaults to the featured image in the first gallery displayed underneath the cat/subcat. as determined or set by using the "Arrange" function.
I'd actually prefer the ability to select ANY image or graphic from ANY gallery (without regard to the gallery's position using the "Arrange" tool) to be the featured image for the cat/subcat. on my homepage. The workaround I use to accomplish the effect is to create a "placeholder" gallery, put a single image in it, and set that image as featured. That way, instead of confusing visitors with constantly changing images at the cat/subcat level, thus forcing them to verify where they are in the hierarchy using text, the cat/subcat instead has a "generic", static (and familiar) image to assist visitors with their site navigation.
The ideal situation, in my mind, would be to select an image or graphic to represent the cat/subcat, but without having to create and position a separate gallery for it.
I did clear the cache and it didn't resolve the issue. It shows up on the homepage, but not on the category (gallery option) page. I had two friends look at it on their computers and they were able to see the image. Not sure what that's about.
Also, the site is very slow to load - esp. since adding the slideshow. I've sent all of the requisite data to SM and found no clear-cut issue. I'm not sure if those things are related or not. I'd really appreciate it if a few people could look at the site and provide feedback on the speed and also the site in general (I asked in the 'Show us your site' section but rec'd no replies).
Thank you!