Animoto, upload from smugmug doesn't use the high resolution available
When I upload photo from smugmug to animoto, starting the process from animoto or from smugmug doesn't make difference, the photo are uploaded with a resolution below the 1024*768 reccomended for High resolution Video.
This is what Animoto say if you click on the photo uploaded.
If I upload the same photo form my PC Animoto is happy about the dimensions.
In this gallery all the photos are in original 1600*1066 pix.
If I upload from my PC to Smugmug and from smugmug to animoto I've the low resolution message.
I I upload directly from the PC to animoto no problem at all.
So the question is, how can we force Smugmug to upload to animoto the right size?
This is what Animoto say if you click on the photo uploaded.
If I upload the same photo form my PC Animoto is happy about the dimensions.
In this gallery all the photos are in original 1600*1066 pix.
If I upload from my PC to Smugmug and from smugmug to animoto I've the low resolution message.
I I upload directly from the PC to animoto no problem at all.
So the question is, how can we force Smugmug to upload to animoto the right size?
We had another customer contact us on the help desk about this. I have reported it to the Animoto folks as the photo appears correct on the SmugMug side. I am not sure if we are not handing off the correct size or if they are not pulling the right one. But they are aware of the issue and investigating. I will make sure that they see this post as well.
thanks a lot for your help
Am using an unlisted gallery. Don't know why that would make a difference, but maybe???
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Maybe there is some trick. I seem to remember some high res images getting into Animoto, but not recently. Did anything change on Animoto?
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Today 24th dec is not yet solved.....hope they have found the right path to final solution :-)
We were hoping that we would have great HD videos for Christmas.
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It also looks like the watermarks are being sent over but I'm trying another video to confirm that.
If you start from the SmugMug side via the Buy button while logged in, it works. It pushes high res images without watermarks.
If you start from the Animoto side, you get low res images and watermarks when pulling over from SmugMug.
Should be the same regardless of where I start the project.
Looks to me as though SmugMug is more interested in seeing this partnership work than Animoto is. I noticed Animoto also now has import options for Flickr, Facebook, Picassa, and Photobucket.
He has 3 or 4 SmugMug-related bugs he wants to fix in one big swoop, but can't give me an ETA for these fixes. E-mail me at if you'd like months added to your account to recoup months lost when Animoto wasn't working as well as you would have hoped. I'll have you covered until these fixes do (finally) roll out.
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Pro-Exclusive Styles are here:
I gave up on the service anyway, it just doesn't meet my needs - but I haven't played with it to see if the problem was ever addressed.
I was really excited to see that Animoto was now offered as a smugmug partner / feature, so I tried do do a free, 30 second show to test it...
When I select photos to add, I get this: "This image is smaller than the recommended landscape size of 1024x768 for high-resolution videos.", when the originals are WELL over that size. WHY, or how do I fix it?
Also, can a 30 second slideshow be put in a gallery as a "teaser", to sell to clients? If so, can clients purchase it (a full length version) directly from smugmug (as a digital file)?
Oh yeah, why are we limited to 300 files??? I'm sure I'm not the only wedding photographer that would be annoyed by this.?
I am going to leave your other questions for the Animoto folks to answer as I really don't know. But you asked if you could sell your video clips through SmugMug. Not at this time. You could add PayPal or Google Checkout to handle payments. Our shopping cart system is not setup to handle other items that are not part of our catalog at this time. You might want to add your voice to this request here:
You might want to give that a try if you want more than one song per slideshow.
Doc is right, you can merge songs together and that is what I have done. I use Adobe Soundbooth for the task. I would like to point out that you are still limited to 10 minutes in total length. I think that is for the song only, because I added some text that brought my video to about 10:03 in length. So to summarize, you are limited to 300 images and 10 minutes of audio.
I had a recent client that wanted all the pictures of the first year of their son's life made into a video and ran into some of these limits. While it is a little frustrating, Animoto is still a very good product and I don't know of any other service that could fill the needs I have for providing video for my clients. I suppose, if you were a video expert then you could create your videos using Adobe Premiere or Final Cut, but I don't have the expertise to do that. It's enough for me to keep learning my photography skills.
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