Missing Buttons on Keyword Gallery

Another needy newbie question -- hope I'm not wearing out my welcome here! I've hunted but can't figure out why the Style Picker and Share buttons are missing from my Keyword gallery.
The Style Picker is correctly absent from all my regular galleries, because I have forced the viewing style to Thumbnail in all Gallery Settings. If I un-force the style on a particular gallery, the Style Picker returns to that gallery and works perfectly there. But it still doesn't appear on the Keyword gallery.
I've removed some options from the Share Menu, but that button appears correctly on all my regular galleries. Just not on the Keyword gallery.
I have hidden the Keyword gallery's Cart buttons, but that doesn't seem to be the source of the problem because if I remove it, I just get the Buy & Cart buttons back.
Stumped. Any ideas on where to look next? Thanks!
The Style Picker is correctly absent from all my regular galleries, because I have forced the viewing style to Thumbnail in all Gallery Settings. If I un-force the style on a particular gallery, the Style Picker returns to that gallery and works perfectly there. But it still doesn't appear on the Keyword gallery.
I've removed some options from the Share Menu, but that button appears correctly on all my regular galleries. Just not on the Keyword gallery.
I have hidden the Keyword gallery's Cart buttons, but that doesn't seem to be the source of the problem because if I remove it, I just get the Buy & Cart buttons back.
Stumped. Any ideas on where to look next? Thanks!
http://www.janicebrowne.com - Janice Browne Nature Art & Photography
has no style picker button. The fact that it doesn't show is not because of your customization because the page itself does not contain the javascript to put the button in the page.
This keyword gallery of mine:
does have a style button.
I'm not aware of any way to configure this behavior so Smugmug is doing something differently on the back-end for your galleries vs. mine. This is something you'll need an answer from Smugmug on.
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Thanks, John, for taking a look and drawing that conclusion. I'm trying hard to be self-sufficient and am so relieved it wasn't something totally obvious I was missing. I'll eager await a reply from a SM person.
Wow. Do you always get the style picker when you generate a keyword gallery? Like you said, keyword galleries have no gallery settings option in the tools menu...
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Go to the gallery that hosts the first image, select that to have a 'viewer controlled' style, and then go to the keyword page again. Does that change things?
---> moved to 'bug reporting'.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
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When switching from Thumbnails to Viewer Controlled in the gallery containing the first picture, I now get the switcher in the keyword gallery.
If it helps... I first noticed the absence of both the Style Picker and Share buttons when I had all of my listed/indexed galleries locked in both to Share and to Thumbnail style, but the Keyword gallery came up in SmugMug style.
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I agree. But at least there is the option of using your customization to force a style (http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=135054), IF I could get the Style Picker button back on the Keyword gallery. (I'm not using Popular or Search at present.)
Edit: Also, I might want to change back to Viewer-Controlled style.
1. About the missing Style Picker button... Like Malte, I can get the button if I un-force the style of the gallery containing the first image. I'm guessing that the logic removes the button if all of the displayed images live in a forced-style gallery (my case).
2. About the missing Share button... Am I correct that it normally is present on the keyword gallery page, or is that a false assumption?
If I interpret it correctly, that forced-style script requires the presence of a Style Picker button on the page to work. Catch-22.
get the picker in the KW and popular galleries.
Remove this line at the bottom of your top javascript
Have you tried removing all your javascript temporarily and see if the picker shows up?
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Just in case my not responding to this question is holding up SM's bug investigation: Yes, I removed the line and all my javascript temporarily --> still no sign of the missing Style & Share buttons on my Keyword gallery. Status?
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There really needs to be one.
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changed one to viewer choice and the KW page now has a style picker.
Changed back to SM locked and style picker disappeared on KW page.
Thanks John, you plugged that one.
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Thanks for your help duplicating and testing it out.
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For example, I would hate for the style picker to be removed for everyone and take away the viewer choice. That would obviously remove the confusion about why it's there sometimes and not others, but at a loss of functionality.
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Doc, could we please have an update on the status of this bug fix? Thanks!
I am afraid that I cannot give any updates. The bugs have been filed and they are in the hands of the programmers. It takes time to fix bugs, and make sure that we do not break other parts of the site in the process. They then have to be tested etc. Keep an eye on the release notes page as we usually announce bug fixes there.
FYI for anyone who may be following this thread: John has recently worked his script-magic and updated that customization to work even if there is no Style Picker button:
YAY!!! Thanks again to John!
- Dave
I am not willing to switch to viewer-controlled styles - I would have less of a problem with this if the keyword page came up in smugmug style - but it doesn't always.
Per the last comment - I don't believe this should be a feature request. It is a shortcoming in the software, one that should be corrected. If you don't want to add a style button to this page when the galleries are locked into a particular style, at least let me choose the style.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com