Nude Workshop in SoCal Anybody?
I'm doing a sequel to my "Posing The Light" workshop and arranging for its artistic nude version, "Lighting The Body", sometime in December.
Suggested agenda:
1) Saturday I: 9am-3pm: "Bodyscapes" (studio)
2) Saturday II: 3pm-6pm: "Sunset Goddess") (outdoors, Conejo Valley or Santa Monica Mountains - some hiking will be required)
3) Sunday: 9am - 4pm: "Desert Rose" (outdoors, Mojave desert or Sierras)
Date 26-27 (weekend right after Xmas:-)
6 people max.
No prior experience required.
All you need is a camera with a hot shoe and a possibility of full manual control (can be film, DSLR or advanced P&S).
Please PM/email if you're interested.
Here's signup form, just in case:
Suggested agenda:
1) Saturday I: 9am-3pm: "Bodyscapes" (studio)
2) Saturday II: 3pm-6pm: "Sunset Goddess") (outdoors, Conejo Valley or Santa Monica Mountains - some hiking will be required)
3) Sunday: 9am - 4pm: "Desert Rose" (outdoors, Mojave desert or Sierras)
Date 26-27 (weekend right after Xmas:-)
6 people max.
No prior experience required.
All you need is a camera with a hot shoe and a possibility of full manual control (can be film, DSLR or advanced P&S).
- Saturday I only: $299
- Saturday II only: $199
- Whole Saturday: $399 ($100 off)
- Sunday only: $299
- Both days: $499 (that's $200 off)
Please PM/email if you're interested.
Here's signup form, just in case:
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Fujifilm Finepix S100fs
and my other hobby...
and many, many other great models.
* how to use a light meter
* how to operate in full manual mode
* how to set up multiple lights
* how to use various modifiers (grids, umbrellas, softboxes, octaboxes, eggcrates, etc.)
* how to mix ambient and artificial light, including overpowering high noon desert sun and matching your strobes to the gentle sunset tones
What you will learn subject-wise:
* how to prep a model for a shoot
* how to pose a model
* what angles/frames work best in what situation
... and many other useful tips and tricks!
And please can you tell me also how were made the photos of Daniel, Sandra and Anais? As the position of the light, the manual f. of the photo... ?
Thank you
France o_0? Yeah, that would be a long drive:-)
Books... There is not a single one I know that would comprise all pertinent knowledge on the subject... One of them I cherish a lot is Kevin Ames' "The Art of Photographying Women". Mind you it's not a beginner's book, and it's mostly devoted to post-processing. Other than that any book on portraiture and lighting would get you in a right direction...
While I obviously know all the details of the shots you mentioned, I honestly don't think you're asking the right questions, especially considering the fact that you don't own much of equipment yet. The obvious fact that light is positioned on top of the model would not give you enough details of what else what was going on, and putting all those details down... well, that's what kinda workshops are for - it's simply impossible to deliver all those gory details in a casual internet post...
"Building your own lighting without expenisve products"... I can't say it's not possible, but... Each and every of the shots you can see in my protfolio here or anywhere else can probably be done on a cheap. But there is a catch: the shot next to it would take another buildup. And so on and so forth. The advantage of having professional - and , yes, rather expensive - products is in their combined versatility and reliability. DIY solution often break, are hassle to handle and may not provide consistent results. In a way, you'll be spending more time thinking of how to arrange your DIY stuff in a way that it would work at least somehow, rather than be concentrating on the shoot (or model, or tons of other important things).
The silver lining here: you don't have to sell your firstborn and purchase 50% of B&H studio catalog. I own and can comfortably use 11 lights total but more often than not I use only 2 or 3. Start with two lights and see what you can do with them. Baby steps. Once you get comfortable with those and would *know* where the limitations are, add another 1-2. Pretty much, make sure you can use what you have 100% and only advance with more pourchases when you hit the ceiling/wall/etc and know for sure what you need to overcome it.
If I was ever in SoCal, I'd be all over this. :cry Unfortunately I'm in West Virginia. That doesn't mean I don't have a chance to learn, I'll be shooting in a cave in January. I just have to remember some of the tips you've so freely given out here.
Good luck with the Workshop!
Thank you! I'm pretty sure I'll have one in summer, too...